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death threats

The Government “Street Fighters” Are Threatening Doctors With Death

The current government, with the help of the media, has succeeded in carrying out a project to completely demonise doctors in the manner of the Nazi demonisation of the Jewish population in pre-war Germany. Most people today do not trust doctors and regard them as greedy capitalists who are more interested in money than in …

The Government “Street Fighters” Are Threatening Doctors With Death Read More »

Will The Court Finally Recognise The Calls To “Kill Janša” As A Threat?

“Janša needs to be killed, there is no other way around it. He has been causing problems for 30 years now, for God’s sake,” Ludvik Tomšič shouted to the cameras some time ago, and later even admitted that he has no regrets when it comes to his call to kill Janša – “Janša should be …

Will The Court Finally Recognise The Calls To “Kill Janša” As A Threat? Read More »

At the Strike, We Also Saw Death Threats Aimed at the Director-General of RTV – The Association of Journalists and Publicists Demands That the Police Do Something About This

At Monday’s gathering of some of the journalists of the national media outlet, Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV), in front of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, we saw, among other things, a banner that indirectly called for the hanging of the Director-General of RTV, Andrej Grah Whatmough. In its response to this, the Association …

At the Strike, We Also Saw Death Threats Aimed at the Director-General of RTV – The Association of Journalists and Publicists Demands That the Police Do Something About This Read More »

French teacher facing death threats after asking a muslim student to remove her veil

In France, a teacher has received death threats and was accused of Islamophobia after he asked a student to remove her face-covering Islamic veil for identification purposes before taking an exam.  The incident took place at the Charlemagne high school, located in Paris when students were writing their matriculation exams. When she arrived at the …

French teacher facing death threats after asking a muslim student to remove her veil Read More »

Death Threats Were Sent to Janša’s and minister’s Homes, Along With Large-Calibre Bullets

Prime Minister Janez Janša and Ministers Matej Tonin, Aleš Hojs and Zdravko Počivalšek have once again been sent death threats. Apparently, the same perpetrator is involved in both cases. The threats were delivered to their homes on Friday, and in the letters, the perpetrator threatened to liquidate them and even included two large-calibre bullets. The …

Death Threats Were Sent to Janša’s and minister’s Homes, Along With Large-Calibre Bullets Read More »

A New Threat to Prime Minister Janša: The Underground Has Occupied Twitter

Despite the fact that in other European countries, such threats against the highest representatives of the authorities are taken seriously, the situation in our country is completely different. Since the competent institutions simply are not reacting, we are witnessing constant threats that could lead to an escalation of violence. This was already reflected in the …

A New Threat to Prime Minister Janša: The Underground Has Occupied Twitter Read More »

Are We Just Quietly Going to Tolerate the Death Threats?

New threats against the MPs, Ministers and journalists, which will most likely once again be overlooked by the mainstream media – depending, of course, on who it is that is being threatened. Uroš Zakrajšek wrote on his Twitter profile that he hopes he never meets Janez Janša, Aleš Hojs, Zdravko Počivalšek, Jelko Kacin, Uroš Urbanija …

Are We Just Quietly Going to Tolerate the Death Threats? Read More »

Is This the Ideology of Tolerance? For Every National Holiday, a Hundred Janša Supporters Should be Hanged …

For one year now, we have been hearing how the current government does not communicate properly, that they are constantly attacking, insulting and intimidating. The same is said to apply to the people who support it. However, it often turns out that the opponents of the Janez Janša government are mainly describing their own characteristics …

Is This the Ideology of Tolerance? For Every National Holiday, a Hundred Janša Supporters Should be Hanged … Read More »

Absolutely Shocking: A Left-Wing Extremist Wants to Kill Prime Minister Janez Janša’s Family!

“We will slaughter her or behead the children with an axe so that they will not be the heirs of the state of Slovenia. Fuck you,” an extremist wrote in broken Slovene, in a threatening letter he sent to the Celje General Hospital, where the wife of Prime Minister Janez Janša, Urška Bačovnik Janša, is …

Absolutely Shocking: A Left-Wing Extremist Wants to Kill Prime Minister Janez Janša’s Family! Read More »

New Threats by the Left-Wing Extremist: “All the Clerical Fascist Rats Should be Forced into a Church, and Then the Whole Thing Should Be Set on Fire, the Vermin has Multiplied!”

There seems to be no end to hatred and extremism. “All the Clerical Fascist Rats Should be Forced into a Church, and Then the Whole Thing Should Be Set on Fire, the Vermin has Multiplied!” Ermin Rizvanovič wrote on the social network Twitter. The post that calls for murder was written in response to State …

New Threats by the Left-Wing Extremist: “All the Clerical Fascist Rats Should be Forced into a Church, and Then the Whole Thing Should Be Set on Fire, the Vermin has Multiplied!” Read More »

Death Threats Against the Prime Minister: Did the Slovenian Leftists Inform the Foreign Public About This as Well?

“This is what you see when driving from the Ljubljana ring road toward the Technology Park. This is not considered a problem; apparently, the Tweets are the problem. Does anyone still remember when red paint was spilt on the monument of the slaughterer Boris Kidrič? That was cleaned up in a few hours,” said Davorin …

Death Threats Against the Prime Minister: Did the Slovenian Leftists Inform the Foreign Public About This as Well? Read More »

Is this the end of threats going unpunished? The first conviction of a violent person who threatened to kill Prime Minister Janša!

“With the judgement of the District Judge Vlasta Lajlar in the criminal case against the accused Luka Štitić for the criminal offence of threatening, under the first paragraph of Article 135 of the Criminal Code (Kazenski zakonik – KZ-1), following the indictment by the District Court in Celje (…) on the 18th of January  (…), …

Is this the end of threats going unpunished? The first conviction of a violent person who threatened to kill Prime Minister Janša! Read More »