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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

The companies will have virtually no reason to lay off their employees, thanks to the measures

The coordinator of the Expert Advisory Group, Matej Lahovnik, pointed out that the government has made sure that the economy is in very good condition, with the help of all of the effective measures. He said that there were some dilemmas when it came to raising the minimum wage, but they still decided to support …

The companies will have virtually no reason to lay off their employees, thanks to the measures Read More »

Only those who follow the correct ideology have the right to public funds

The hostility of a large part of politics, the public and civil society towards the current government, has a concrete financial basis. What is behind it, is the great fear that the criteria for the financing of the various non-governmental organisations and their projects could change, which would mean that many of those who are, …

Only those who follow the correct ideology have the right to public funds Read More »

[Exclusive] How the “old boys” got caught in trying to overthrow the government! Supposedly at least two million euros in play!

In this article, we will reveal the game of thrones within the infamous political and economic left pole in Slovenia. As has been proven many times before, they are only capable of uniting when the current Prime Minister, Janez Janša is in power. This time, they once again played on all or nothing. Below, we …

[Exclusive] How the “old boys” got caught in trying to overthrow the government! Supposedly at least two million euros in play! Read More »

Around 300 thousand jobs have been saved with the anti-corona measures so far

During the time of the coronavirus epidemic, the whole world found itself in a deep economic and social crisis. The Government has so far adopted eight legislative anti-corona packages, and in the future, the key role will be played by the measures which will help us exit the crisis. According to Eva Irgl, the chairwoman …

Around 300 thousand jobs have been saved with the anti-corona measures so far Read More »

If the allegedly “adulterous” relationship between Vesel and Erjavec is confirmed, then this will be an affair of unprecedented dimensions!

“This last thing, however, is absolutely the most unacceptable, that an official, who should be the most independent of them all – the President of the Court of Audit – he should be more independent than the President of the country, the Prime Minister and the President of the Constitutional Court, so if this will …

If the allegedly “adulterous” relationship between Vesel and Erjavec is confirmed, then this will be an affair of unprecedented dimensions! Read More »

Many famous Slovenians agree: “Pedro Opeka deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for his exceptional selflessness and sense of responsibility”

Prime Minister Janez Janša nominated Pedro Opeka, a missionary with a special mission, for the Nobel Peace Prize. Opeka was already nominated in 2012 and, if we remember the winners from the past couple of years, we can definitely say that he more than deserves to receive the award.  According to prominent experts, Opeka is …

Many famous Slovenians agree: “Pedro Opeka deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for his exceptional selflessness and sense of responsibility” Read More »

The eighth anti-corona legislative package passed with 51 votes. The package will help the citizens and will also help maintain the stability of the Slovenian labour market!

The National Assembly has passed the eighth anti-corona legislative package, with which the consequences of the coronavirus epidemic will be mitigated. The package is worth 320 million euros. The eighth legislative package includes two key measures, namely, subsidisation of the increase in the minimum wage, and the extension of the subsidisation for those who have …

The eighth anti-corona legislative package passed with 51 votes. The package will help the citizens and will also help maintain the stability of the Slovenian labour market! Read More »

Part of the opposition is doing everything to ensure that the eighth anti-corona package would not be adopted and help would not get into the right hands in time!

“Mr. Marko Koprivc, you will not say to me that I despise anyone. That is a lie. I have always led a dialogue. Trade Union representatives were invited to the meeting as soon as we received your request for additional invitees in the UDIS system,” said Eva Irgl, a chairwoman of the National Assembly’s Committee on …

Part of the opposition is doing everything to ensure that the eighth anti-corona package would not be adopted and help would not get into the right hands in time! Read More »

Billions for the unemployable social sciences cadre – is that really a smart investment?

Another part of the long reign of the past currents is being shattered. Members of the academic community (Student Organisation of Slovenia, Institute of Contemporary History, Confederation of Trade Unions of Slovenia – PERGAM, Coordination of Independent Research Institutes of Slovenia, University of Primorska, University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor, Trade Union of Education, Science …

Billions for the unemployable social sciences cadre – is that really a smart investment? Read More »

The deep state is preparing a new “big bang” against Janša: Notorious prosecutor Hinko Jenull has been spotted on Janša’s former estate

Do you still remember the fifteen-year-old Trenta case, which the mainstream media has used against Janez Janša repeatedly? The case deals with a former estate that Janša allegedly sold in in a way that enabled him to gain illegal proceeds – at least according to the political underworld, which has revived the affair several times …

The deep state is preparing a new “big bang” against Janša: Notorious prosecutor Hinko Jenull has been spotted on Janša’s former estate Read More »

New data for December: Slovenia is among the countries with the lowest unemployment rate in the EU!

In December 2020, the EU unemployment rate was 7.5 percent, up for one percentage point from November. Compared to December 2019, it increased by two percentage points. The unemployment rates were the highest in Greece, Spain and Lithuania. The lowest unemployment rates were recorded in the Czech Republic, Poland and the Netherlands. When it comes …

New data for December: Slovenia is among the countries with the lowest unemployment rate in the EU! Read More »

Another example of RTV promoting violence: The case that Commissioner Jourova should be very worried about!

In the last couple of months, the Slovenian national television, which is financed by all taxpayers, has shown us a lot of examples of shameful reporting, which has caused the fact that this institution is not in the service of all citizens, to become even more obvious. From the American elections to the Slovenian protests, …

Another example of RTV promoting violence: The case that Commissioner Jourova should be very worried about! Read More »