It is clearly time for the government to be impeached
After everything that we have seen recently, it is clearly time for the government to be impeached, says the leader of the opposition, Janez Janša,
After everything that we have seen recently, it is clearly time for the government to be impeached, says the leader of the opposition, Janez Janša,
Tax expert Ivan Simič recently pointed out on his website Simič and Partners a decision by the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (FURS),
The television show “Politically with Tanja Gobec” (“Politično s Tanjo Gobec”) has once again illustrated how the “depoliticised” management of the national media outlet, Radio-Television
“The Vice-President of the European Commission, Věra Jourová, did not reply even by the deadline set by the European Ombudsman, thus formally entering into a
“Today, the liberated Radio-Television Slovenia (RTVS) switched off the Nova24TV programme from the transmitters for reception via antennas. Sixty thousand households can now only watch
“In Slovenia, the poison lobby is trying to legitimise the medical poisoning of the sick and elderly at any cost,” said Aleš Primc, President of
The Minister of Justice has no intention of resigning, even though the Social Democrats (Socialni demokrati – SD), her parent party, have called on her
The revelation that the United Nations staff were among the terrorists who rampaged through Israel on the 7th of October 2023 was followed by a
The parliamentary group of the Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS) has recently submitted an interpellation against the Minister of Justice, Dominika Švarc
The Family Initiative (Družinska pobuda) has calculated that the average Slovenian family with two average salaries and two children in kindergarten will be deprived of
Sascha Bailey, the son of the famous photographer David Bailey, recently revealed in an interview how online forums pressured him to change his gender. According
The winner of last year’s Dutch parliamentary elections, the right-wing Geert Wilders, is strongly against migration. He won on a ticket of stopping mass illegal