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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

Robert Golob

Prime Minister Golob’s Unclear Communication After The Natural Disaster

As we have become quite accustomed to by now, Prime Minister Robert Golob is extremely fond of making promises. Judges, firefighters, farmers, bureaucrats in the public administration – all of them have previously heard sweet words and promises from the benefactor from Nova Gorica. In his enthusiasm, he has once again overstepped his authority and …

Prime Minister Golob’s Unclear Communication After The Natural Disaster Read More »

Golob Gave Up EU Funding For Flood Protection – At The Time Of Floods

In the days when floods devastated Slovenian towns and cities, especially Cerkno, the government renounced part of the EU funding for flood protection. Golob decided that he would rather spend the money from the state budget on this, using the excuse that he needs more time to bring projects in line with environmental standards. This …

Golob Gave Up EU Funding For Flood Protection – At The Time Of Floods Read More »

Prime Minister Golob Will Be Questioned By The Commission Of Inquiry On Political Pressures On The Police

The Commission of Inquiry of the National Assembly, which is investigating possible political influences on the police, has summoned the Prime Minister, the Minister of Justice and the Minister of the Interior, among others, for questioning. The Commission of Inquiry into the possible political responsibility of public office-holders for suspected improper interference in the activities …

Prime Minister Golob Will Be Questioned By The Commission Of Inquiry On Political Pressures On The Police Read More »

It Is Official: The Prime Minister Was Protected By A Convicted Criminal “Free Of Charge”

Do you remember Miloš Njegoslav Milović, a former member of the special police forces, a security guard of former Prime Minister Drnovšek and the unofficial-official head of security of the current Prime Minister Robert Golob, who was first caught in a lie in the National Assembly because of a question about Milović, saying that he …

It Is Official: The Prime Minister Was Protected By A Convicted Criminal “Free Of Charge” Read More »

The Economic Sector: Due To The Bad Measures, We Have Regressed More Than Anyone Else In Europe

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and other business associations are becoming increasingly critical of the government of Robert Golob. They recently wrote in a letter of protest that the current government’s way of doing things and its attitude are making any serious social dialogue impossible. Now they are accusing the government of …

The Economic Sector: Due To The Bad Measures, We Have Regressed More Than Anyone Else In Europe Read More »

Golob Would Have Helped The Pensioners The Most By Keeping The Janša Law In Place

The government is currently tackling the financial hardship of pensioners in retirement homes with what can only be described as touchups. Namely, they want to introduce a new intervention law that would limit the rise in prices of services in social care institutions. However, all of these problems would not have even happened in the …

Golob Would Have Helped The Pensioners The Most By Keeping The Janša Law In Place Read More »

The Controversial Past Of The Prime Minister’s Mistress Tina Gaber – A Lover Of Prestige And Crypto Scams

Public posts prove that Tina Gaber, the mistress of Prime Minister Robert Golob, has promoted various pyramid schemes in the past, in which hundreds of people have been misled and defrauded, losing millions of euros of their invested money. Although Gaber is rapidly deleting everything that could be a burden from her past from her …

The Controversial Past Of The Prime Minister’s Mistress Tina Gaber – A Lover Of Prestige And Crypto Scams Read More »

The Gen-I Affair Is Behind The Subjugation Of The Police, RTV And The Constitutional Court

Ever since the government of Robert Golob took power, we have been witnessing a deliberate assault on virtually all subsystems of society. Under the guise of “depoliticisation” and the removal of the legacy of the Janša reformist government, the Ministry of the Interior, the Police, the Constitutional Court and the national media outlet Radio-Television Slovenia …

The Gen-I Affair Is Behind The Subjugation Of The Police, RTV And The Constitutional Court Read More »

Dismissal Of RTV Programme Councillors Is A Barbaric Assault On The Rule Of Law

The dismissal of programme councillors at a time when the Constitutional Court Judges have temporarily suspended the implementation of the Radio-Television Slovenia Act is in total contradiction with the decision of the Constitutional Court of Slovenia and a drastic interference in the autonomy of the national media outlet. This is a complete abuse of power …

Dismissal Of RTV Programme Councillors Is A Barbaric Assault On The Rule Of Law Read More »

Golob Told The Lady Moving Into A Living Container Because Of An Avalanche To Imagine She Is Going To A Hotel On Holiday

On Friday afternoon, Prime Minister Robert Golob visited some of the areas in Šentilj that have suffered significant damage due to the heavy rainfall in recent days, and the resulting landslides, which are still ongoing and are also threatening residential buildings. Seven families have already had to leave their homes as a result of these …

Golob Told The Lady Moving Into A Living Container Because Of An Avalanche To Imagine She Is Going To A Hotel On Holiday Read More »

Historians Against The Government: It Is A Barbaric Act

“The government has revoked the decision taken by the previous government to declare a National Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Communist Violence. The decision was taken at that time without prior expert and public debate, with the sole aim of distorting history and dividing the public once again,” the news from the current …

Historians Against The Government: It Is A Barbaric Act Read More »