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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

Robert Golob

Prime Minister Golob avoided answers about identity theft in Romania and acquaintance with the man who is establishing a para-intelligence service

The session of the National Assembly was aimed at answering parliamentary questions of Prime Minister Robert Golob and other MPs. The fact is that the session was mostly spent not answering questions or avoiding answers to them, as Golob used his answers for insinuations and accusations against the SDS parliamentary group. When asked specifically why …

Prime Minister Golob avoided answers about identity theft in Romania and acquaintance with the man who is establishing a para-intelligence service Read More »

The Latest OECD Data Do Not Lie: The Golob Government Has Economically Crashed Slovenia

New indicators from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in the third quarter of this year show a drastic decline in Slovenia’s economic growth. Under the government of Robert Golob, our country has landed on the bottom of the scale. The latest OECD figures on economic growth in the third quarter of this …

The Latest OECD Data Do Not Lie: The Golob Government Has Economically Crashed Slovenia Read More »

Golob Was Very Misleading When Talking About Inflation – But Official Data Prove That He Lied

Last week, Prime Minister Robert Golob was vehemently misleading when talking about his government’s tackling of inflation, but data from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia show in black and white that he was telling lies. Golob’s statement that inflation is lower than it was when his government took office is, of course, …

Golob Was Very Misleading When Talking About Inflation – But Official Data Prove That He Lied Read More »

The Freedom Movement Is Making Such Brutal Personnel Changes That Even The Coalition Partners Have Started To Complain

While the personnel changes during the previous government’s term were called “undermining the foundations of the rule of law” (according to the largest commercial television station – POP TV), now, under the patronage of the radical socialists, they are considered a restoration of the rule of law and return of the experts to the places …

The Freedom Movement Is Making Such Brutal Personnel Changes That Even The Coalition Partners Have Started To Complain Read More »

Golob’s special task force for the prosecution of “hate speech” will in fact be a task force for the prosecution of free speech

If the (unofficial) information that a special group for the prosecution of “hate speech” is being formed within the police is true, this should be a signal for alarm. With such an undefined and elusive term as “hate speech”, which everyone interprets differently, there is a very real danger that the current government would use …

Golob’s special task force for the prosecution of “hate speech” will in fact be a task force for the prosecution of free speech Read More »

This Is How Golob Will Distribute The Allowance For Mitigation Of The Rising Prices: The Poorest Pensioners Will Get 13 Euros, While Pensioners Like Kučan Will Get 150 Euros

The government of Robert Golob has sent a legislative proposal to the National Assembly on urgent measures to increase pensioners’ incomes and limit the rise in nursing home fees in the area of social security. As Slovenian Democratic Party MP Zvone Černač said when presenting his position, the bill will result in the recipients of …

This Is How Golob Will Distribute The Allowance For Mitigation Of The Rising Prices: The Poorest Pensioners Will Get 13 Euros, While Pensioners Like Kučan Will Get 150 Euros Read More »

This Is Not A Joke! Golob Is Rapidly Building A Repressive Apparatus For Covert Operations And The Suppression Of Fundamental Freedoms!

We have learned from reliable sources that the Golob government is accelerating the work on the project for a special unit for the protection of Robert Golob, and that an anti-hate speech unit is also in the works, which would operate within the police and would monitor political competition. And the person behind these crazy …

This Is Not A Joke! Golob Is Rapidly Building A Repressive Apparatus For Covert Operations And The Suppression Of Fundamental Freedoms! Read More »

Unemployment Rises Under Golob, The Merrymaking Continues

While the Janša government set records for low unemployment, the Golob government is losing its grip when it comes to the same problem. Let’s also remember the top credit ratings we had under the previous government. On the 22nd of April this year, Moody’s confirmed Slovenia’s credit rating at A3 with a stable outlook. Despite …

Unemployment Rises Under Golob, The Merrymaking Continues Read More »

Slovenia Already Has An Inquisitorial Body To Prosecute Critical Speech – And It Is Headed By A Presidential Candidate In Cooperation With Čordić

Police raided several Turkish cities on Tuesday and detained 11 journalists linked to pro-Kurdish media for their alleged links to Kurdish extremists, foreign media report. The detentions come only days after the ratification of Turkey’s controversial new media law, which provides for prison sentences for people deemed to be spreading “disinformation” with the aim of …

Slovenia Already Has An Inquisitorial Body To Prosecute Critical Speech – And It Is Headed By A Presidential Candidate In Cooperation With Čordić Read More »

Golob’s March Through The Institutions – A Leftist From The Slovenian Press Agency Is Taking Over The Siol Web Portal?

Golob’s march through the institutions and the media is slowly coming to an end, as is our transformation into a mini version of the Russian Federation (even the language is similar!). The next victim of Slovenian Putinism is the web portal. As reported by the web portal Požareport, Irma Giubanec, the new Acting Director-General …

Golob’s March Through The Institutions – A Leftist From The Slovenian Press Agency Is Taking Over The Siol Web Portal? Read More »

For The First Time Since The April Elections, Golob Weighed His Political Worth And Proved That De Facto, His Support Is Worth Less Than 15 Percent Of The Vote

“Milan Brglez’s major electoral defeat is above all the fiasco of Robert Golob (Prime Minister and President of the Freedom Movement party – Gibanje Svoboda) and Tanja Fajon (Minister of Foreign Affairs and President of the Social Democrats party – Socialni Demokrati). The figures also prove this, and Golob’s narrative about the victory of the …

For The First Time Since The April Elections, Golob Weighed His Political Worth And Proved That De Facto, His Support Is Worth Less Than 15 Percent Of The Vote Read More »

Golob’s Government Is Aiming For Total Subjugation Of The Media: The Director Of The Second Most Influential Web Portal Has Been Removed

At a recent correspondence meeting, the Supervisory Board of the Telekom Slovenije company agreed to the appointment of Irma Gubanec as a director of the TSmedia company, reports Spletni časopis (Online Newspaper). The company was previously headed by former editor and journalist Rajko Gerič, who was prematurely dismissed after more than a year of being …

Golob’s Government Is Aiming For Total Subjugation Of The Media: The Director Of The Second Most Influential Web Portal Has Been Removed Read More »