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Who Is The Infamous Judge Mojca Kocjančič, Who Authorised The “Raid” On Nova24TV?

The fact that yesterday’s raid of the premises of our media outlet was, in fact, a political prosecution, following the Kremlin’s recipe, is also evidenced by the name of the judge who signed the police search warrant. Namely, this is the infamous Mojca Kocijančič, about whom we have already written in the past. She is …

Who Is The Infamous Judge Mojca Kocjančič, Who Authorised The “Raid” On Nova24TV? Read More »

Poklukar’s Police Harassing Anti-Government Protesters – Did The Order Come From The Very Top?

“My mother, Silva Šivec, who is collecting applications for transport to the spring protest on the 21st of March, has just been visited by the police. They wanted to know all the details about the protest,” Katja Šivec recently wrote on the social network X, adding that the people in power are crossing the limits …

Poklukar’s Police Harassing Anti-Government Protesters – Did The Order Come From The Very Top? Read More »

Two Moroccan Men Sexually Assaulted A Woman In The Middle Of Ljubljana!

On Wednesday, a migrant from Morocco attempted to rape a woman in Ljubljana, and another Moroccan helped him do it, the police confirmed when I checked with them about the unofficial information I had received about another migrant rape in Ljubljana. The police have long ago stopped reporting rapes to the public, nor, as a …

Two Moroccan Men Sexually Assaulted A Woman In The Middle Of Ljubljana! Read More »

Following Former Minister And Former Director Of Police’s Testimony, The Police Have Initiated The Pre-Trial Proceedings

Following the high-profile testimony of former Minister of the Interior Tatjana Bobnar before the National Assembly’s Commission of Inquiry for determining the potential political responsibility of holders of public office with regard to the alleged inadmissible political interference in the work of the Police, the latter are now conducting pre-trial proceedings. However, they did not …

Following Former Minister And Former Director Of Police’s Testimony, The Police Have Initiated The Pre-Trial Proceedings Read More »

MEP Zver Has Informed The European Commission Of Prime Minister Golob’s Public Confession Regarding The Police Purge

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Robert Golob publicly admitted that he had ordered former Interior Minister Tatjana Bobnar to “purge” the Slovenian police of all sympathisers of former Prime Minister Janez Janša. This led MEP Dr Milan Zver to address a priority parliamentary question to the European Commission on the Slovenian Prime Minister’s public admission of …

MEP Zver Has Informed The European Commission Of Prime Minister Golob’s Public Confession Regarding The Police Purge Read More »

Speaker Of The National Assembly Pressured The Police To Deal With An Opposition MP

“The Speaker of the National Assembly, Urška Klakočar Zupančič, who claims to have superior legal knowledge, which should not be questioned, and who was even a judge before, threatened the police,” said MP Žan Mahnič. He believes that this is more than enough reason for the Speaker to resign from her position, as her actions …

Speaker Of The National Assembly Pressured The Police To Deal With An Opposition MP Read More »

Slovenian Police Covered Up The Rape Of A Woman By Migrants For Days

On Saturday night, four foreigners (supposedly migrants who had illegally entered Slovenia) allegedly beat a man and sexually assaulted a woman in an underpass on Vilharjeva Street near the Ljubljana train station. The police are also investigating the incident. At the beginning of the week, our source told us that on Saturday night, a couple …

Slovenian Police Covered Up The Rape Of A Woman By Migrants For Days Read More »

police officers visited psychoanalytic after the report of the Speaker of the National Assembly

On Sunday afternoon, police officers visited Roman Vodeb to take his statement. “The police came to tell me ex officio that Urška Klakočar Zupančič is bothered by some of the things I have been saying.” Namely, the Speaker of the National Assembly filed a police report against Vodeb, and a report with the Agency for …

police officers visited psychoanalytic after the report of the Speaker of the National Assembly Read More »

[Exclusive Testimony] They Beat Him Until He Lost Consciousness, Then Fined Him!

“I froze in fear,” the victim of police violence described the moments when police officers – as described by the witnesses of the incident – came at him like animals. “One of the enforcers picked up a baton, another one stood guard, they knocked my legs out from under me, and six heavy policemen picked …

[Exclusive Testimony] They Beat Him Until He Lost Consciousness, Then Fined Him! Read More »

They Promised Us Freedom, But Instead, We Got Repression

The basic political platform of the Freedom Movement party (Gibanje Svoboda) is “freedom from the anti-covid measures.” The essence of the convincing victory, apart from the demonisation of Janša and the ferocious polarisation, was to make people feel that they were being wronged during the epidemic – not allowed to go for a coffee, not …

They Promised Us Freedom, But Instead, We Got Repression Read More »

The Police Did Not Even Check The Legality Of The Arrest Before The Construction Of The C0 Canal

As we have already reported, the Ljubljana basin has been quite shaken up in the past few weeks over the C0 Connecting Canal project, which will carry wastewater from the municipalities of Vodice and Medvode to the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant Ljubljana – Zalog. According to many experts, the construction of the canal in the …

The Police Did Not Even Check The Legality Of The Arrest Before The Construction Of The C0 Canal Read More »