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Who Allowed The Supporters Of Terrorism To Enter The Temple Of Democracy?

The recent regular session of the National Assembly was interrupted at the start by shouts from a few protesters carrying Palestinian flags, who gathered on the balcony of the Great Hall of the National Assembly. A few minutes into the sitting, they started shouting, “Sanctions now!” The Speaker of the National Assembly, Urška Klakočar Zupančič, …

Who Allowed The Supporters Of Terrorism To Enter The Temple Of Democracy? Read More »

The Ex-Boyfriend Of “Golob’s Faila” Has Finally Ended Up Behind Bars

Despite being accused of raping a 17-year-old girl, he continued to roam free for more than two years. Palestinian Mustafa Alnajjar, known to the public as the former partner of prominent Freedom Movement party (Gibanje Svoboda) figure Faila Pašić Bišić, is now finally behind bars. Together with eleven other defendants, the prosecution is prosecuting him …

The Ex-Boyfriend Of “Golob’s Faila” Has Finally Ended Up Behind Bars Read More »

Prime Minister Robert Golob’s companion Wore The Colours Of Palestine Amid The Protest Against Anti-Semitism

While the world continues to be appalled every day by the actions of the Palestinian terrorist organisation Hamas, this is not the case for the Prime Minister’s companion. Heavily propagandised pro-Palestinian rallies, financed by, among others, George Soros, have swept through the world, with most Islamic extremists using the rallies to spread hatred and anti-Semitism. …

Prime Minister Robert Golob’s companion Wore The Colours Of Palestine Amid The Protest Against Anti-Semitism Read More »

The Deputy Prime Minister Protested Outside The American Embassy

A second Rally for Palestine took place in Ljubljana on Thursday. The protesters were mainly leftists and migrants, who gathered in Prešeren Square, where they unfurled flags and banners. Afterwards, a small crowd of protesters marched to the US Embassy, where the police closed the street, and then to Republic Square. The march was organised …

The Deputy Prime Minister Protested Outside The American Embassy Read More »

Janša Warned: In Gaza, Children Are Being Taught To Become Terrorist From Kindergarten Onwards

On Thursday, the National Assembly held an urgent meeting of the Committee on Foreign Affairs to discuss the draft declaration on the current situation in the Palestinian-Israeli area and the current conflict between Israel and Hamas. During the meeting, the leader of the Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS), Janez Janša, pointed out …

Janša Warned: In Gaza, Children Are Being Taught To Become Terrorist From Kindergarten Onwards Read More »

Slovenia Endorsed The Shameful UN Resolution And Thus Sided With Russia, Iran And Syria

Slovenia was among the countries that joined Iran, Syria and Russia on Friday in voting in favour of a resolution that does not name Hamas or specifically call for the release of Israeli hostages. If the far-left Left party (Levica) is proud of what happened yesterday, something is seriously wrong. The Left party’s MP Matej …

Slovenia Endorsed The Shameful UN Resolution And Thus Sided With Russia, Iran And Syria Read More »

Extremists In Ljubljana Demanded Israel’s Annihilation And Shouted “Allahu Akbar”

At Thursday’s rally in support of the Palestinians, we saw a Palestinian accused of rape, the former partner of a Freedom Movement party (Gibanje Svoboda) spokeswoman, and politicians from the extreme Left party (Levica). Among other things, the Palestinians chanted anti-Semitic slogans in English about wiping out Israel, and when they got to the Prešeren …

Extremists In Ljubljana Demanded Israel’s Annihilation And Shouted “Allahu Akbar” Read More »

Two Old Acquaintances Of The Police Will Also Be At The Hamas Rally In Ljubljana

As we have previously reported, the Movement for Palestinian Rights is planning to organise a rally on Thursday, the 19th of October, at 5 p.m., in Ljubljana’s Republic Square. Thus, they will join the rallies of other extremists across Europe who make no secret of their racist, anti-Semitic and terrorist intentions. The rally, which, in …

Two Old Acquaintances Of The Police Will Also Be At The Hamas Rally In Ljubljana Read More »

Slovenian Taxpayers Are Financing Supporters Of Terrorism

Following the initiative of the Movement for Palestinian Rights, more than 40 NGOs have sent an appeal to Prime Minister Robert Golob and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon to immediately withdraw their support for Israel, which in turn means supporting the terrorist Hamas. But that is not all, they are also united …

Slovenian Taxpayers Are Financing Supporters Of Terrorism Read More »

The Government has Decided To Fund Palestinian Refugees

When Hamas attacked Israel and the world was flooded with images of its atrocities, representatives of the Slovenian authorities responded in different ways. Predictably, the Left party (Levica) tried to justify the war crimes of the terrorist group Hamas, Prime Minister Golob condemned the same group, and Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon of the Social Democrats …

The Government has Decided To Fund Palestinian Refugees Read More »

The National Media Outlet Is Hiding The Reality Of The Attack Of The Palestinians, Supporters Of Hamas

“Among the 300 victims of Hamas terror (the number is now already as high as 600) in Israel, only 26 are soldiers. The rest are civilians murdered at close range,” commentator Tomaž Štih pointed out. However, the national media outlet Radio-Television Slovenia (RTVS) is, in fact, covering up the brutality of Hamas, as part of …

The National Media Outlet Is Hiding The Reality Of The Attack Of The Palestinians, Supporters Of Hamas Read More »

Calls to kill Jews and destroy Israel prevalent in Palestinian schools

In Palestinian schools funded by Western countries, calls to murder Jews and incite hatred towards Israel still persist, a report reveals. The report by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-SE), an Israeli watchdog that analyzes Palestinian textbooks, and co-authored by the UN Watch nonprofit, found dozens of instances of the …

Calls to kill Jews and destroy Israel prevalent in Palestinian schools Read More »