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Nika Kovač

Nika Kovač Has Teamed Up With One Of Putin’s Main Operatives In The European Parliament

As part of its continued anti-life activism, the left-wing non-governmental organisation the 8th of March Institute (Inštitut 8. marec) recently boasted about the support it received from an Irish politician Claire Daly who has been placed on the list of public figures spreading Russian propaganda by the Ukrainian secret service, who also called her “Putin’s …

Nika Kovač Has Teamed Up With One Of Putin’s Main Operatives In The European Parliament Read More »

Will Renata Zamida, Nika Kovač and Miha Kovač Finally Be Held Accountable?

“This is, without a doubt, one of the most “dirty episodes” in the career of the otherwise all-around privileged political activist Nika Kovač,” wrote journalist Bojan Požar in his latest expose. The bizarre case of the acquisition of a “taxpayer’s grand” orchestrated by Miha Kovač, an influential Slovenian publisher and professor at the Faculty of …

Will Renata Zamida, Nika Kovač and Miha Kovač Finally Be Held Accountable? Read More »

Is The Strategic Council For The Prevention Of Hate Speech Even Legitimate?

“This is a perfect example of feigning ignorance, in which one moment stands out – those who shout the loudest about freedom of speech are the ones who obstruct it the most. This is the well-known party reflex that has taken hold in our country, which goes by the name of ‘grab the thief’,” said …

Is The Strategic Council For The Prevention Of Hate Speech Even Legitimate? Read More »

The Leftists Have Joined The Pogrom Against An Academic

The far left has cruelly attacked the AI pioneer Matjaž Gams, who used Hitler for a comparison he made during a recent interview. He wanted to make the point that powerful people, rulers, often mean well for civilisation (and the leftists surely understand this!), even though the results can be quite the opposite. Prominent members …

The Leftists Have Joined The Pogrom Against An Academic Read More »

The CNN “Documentary” Featuring The 8th Of March Institute Will Address The Globally Pressing Issue Of Janša’s Tweets

The left-wing non-governmental organisation the 8th of March Institute – Inštitut 8. marec (for which insiders say it is neither a research organisation nor an institute) recently tweeted that a documentary will soon be broadcast on the left-wing TV channel CNN, which includes a segment where they introduce themselves. Funnily enough, they even asked former …

The CNN “Documentary” Featuring The 8th Of March Institute Will Address The Globally Pressing Issue Of Janša’s Tweets Read More »

The 8th Of March Institute Has Disappeared After A Heavy Fine For Breaking The Law!

Since the notice could not be served to the offender at their address at Glinškova ploščad 9, the Court of Audit informed the 8th of March Institute (Inštitut 8. marec) of the offence of financing a referendum campaign from unauthorised sources by publishing a public notice on its website about a week ago. The parcel …

The 8th Of March Institute Has Disappeared After A Heavy Fine For Breaking The Law! Read More »

NGO Representative Wants To Ban Janša, Rupar And Primc From Appearing On National Television

Some people in our country desperately miss the old days, when those who were not liked or who were critical of the authorities were banned from appearing in the public media, lest anyone think that we were not doing as well as the ruling regime said. Among those who still feel this way is also …

NGO Representative Wants To Ban Janša, Rupar And Primc From Appearing On National Television Read More »

The Organisation That Works With The Obama Foundation Has Been Reported To The Police

“However, similar and concrete abuses have already occurred before the elections to the National Assembly. The most visible example was the campaign of the 8th of March Institute (Inštitut 8. marec) in the case of the Water Act. Today, we have reported suspected violations of the referendum campaign to the Court of Audit and the …

The Organisation That Works With The Obama Foundation Has Been Reported To The Police Read More »

Nika Kovač Has Admitted To Foreign Funding – Will The Relevant Institutions Take Action?

It has long been rumoured that the so-called “research” Institute of the 8th of March (Inštitut 8. marec) is financed from abroad. The mainstream media was at their beck and call, and it only took a Facebook post announcement of a press conference from them, and everyone from the largest commercial television station, POP TV, …

Nika Kovač Has Admitted To Foreign Funding – Will The Relevant Institutions Take Action? Read More »

Activist Nika Kovač Called 40 Percent Of Citizens Who Went To The Polls “Evil”

With more than 90 percent of the ballots having been counted, we can now be certain that all three laws that the voters were deciding on at Sunday’s referendum will be enacted. Support for the amendment to the Radio-Television Slovenia Act and the amendments to the Long-Term Care Act exceeded 60 percent, with 40 percent …

Activist Nika Kovač Called 40 Percent Of Citizens Who Went To The Polls “Evil” Read More »

The parties of the transition left are using the March 8th Institute to achieve their goals!

Nika Kovač is undoubtedly one of the most recognisable faces of the left, as the mainstream media promotes her as a kind of rock star. They are trying to create the impression that she is a completely independent non-governmental organisation worker whose goal is the welfare of a wider part of society. In doing so, …

The parties of the transition left are using the March 8th Institute to achieve their goals! Read More »

I Am Strongly Against The State Using My Money To Buy Free Sanitary Products For You In The Name Of “Menstrual Justice”

Just because something is a “human need,” it does not mean that others are obliged to pay money for you to meet this need. And it certainly does not mean that the state should steal money from some people through taxes to satisfy others. And this also applies to the provision of so-called menstrual justice.  …

I Am Strongly Against The State Using My Money To Buy Free Sanitary Products For You In The Name Of “Menstrual Justice” Read More »