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The Pensioners’ Rally Will Begin In Front Of The “National Disgrace”

On Friday, the 16th of February 2024, the jubilee 10th pensioners’ rally will take place, but this time, it will be a little different from the others.

On the 16th of February 2024, a gathering of pensioners and protesters will take place in front of the national media outlet, Radio-Television Slovenia (RTVS), on Kolodvorska Street in Ljubljana at 2 p.m. This time, the assembly will be initiated by pensioners from the Štajerska region. Passengers on the bus leaving from Maribor will also join the gathering in front of RTV Slovenia.

As the 1st of October Association wrote: “The rally will start in front of the once-public institution of the politically stolen RTV Slovenia at 2 p.m.! We will demand an end to the theft of our money. We are no longer giving it away so that the lazy and drunkards and incompetent extremists who are destroying our democracy and bringing back Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav People’s Army can survive!”

“Well, I will not support this, so we will demand the immediate resignation of the Council of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Radio-Television Slovenia and of all those who some time ago purged the programme, in which we pensioners no longer have a representative!”

From in front of RTV Slovenia, the pensioners will then march through the streets of Ljubljana to the Republic Square, where the central rally will take place.


Due to the changed route and time of gathering, the bus will leave Maribor 15 minutes earlier, meaning at 12.15 from Planet Tuš in Studenci. The bus will also stop in Hoče and Slovenski Bistrica. In Ljubljana, passengers will get off at the main bus stop at the Rudolf Maister monument.

You will also be able to follow the live coverage of the pensioners’ rally on the Facebook page – available here: from 2.15 p.m. onwards, where we will be live streaming the entire rally. Follow our page!


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