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All Roads Of Taking Over The Deteriorated Commercial Part Of The Stadium Lead To Republika Srpska

The company Rastoder, which is owned by entrepreneur Izet Rastoder, has sold the concrete “ghost town” next to the Stožice stadium in Ljubljana, where a shopping centre was supposed to be built, to the company MG Mind from Republika Srpska, which in Slovenia owns, among other things, the construction company KPL, which mainly does business with the Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL). We asked the Municipality of Ljubljana whether Mayor Zoran Janković has a silent ownership stake in MG Mind.

The company Rastoder, which imports and distributes Derby bananas and is also involved in real estate transactions in the capital, sold the concrete “ghost town” Stožice on the outskirts of Ljubljana to the company MG Mind, which is based in Republika Srpska. The sale was made in order to consolidate the Rastoder company’s real estate portfolio. While the unfinished retail part is the private part of the construction project of Stožice, its main components are the country’s largest arena and stadium, both owned by the Municipality of Ljubljana, the web portal MMC reports.

The deteriorating and unfinished properties have been a blight on this area for years now, and the story has even gone to court in several cases. The company MG Mind is now the new owner of the company Trgovsko mesto inženiring (Commercial City Engineering), which officially owns the real estate of the Stožice shopping area. The new owner has already taken over the management of the building a few days ago. The unfinished project is 200 thousand square metres in size, and between 200 and 250 shops are to be built on the site, for which 103 thousand square metres were planned, the rest being intended for parking and service facilities.

The new owner will have to conclude a public-private partnership agreement with the Municipality of Ljubljana, which will include the construction of public car parks, access roads and a possible football pitch on the roof of the shopping centre. The company MG Mind was founded in 1998 by a Bosnian businessman, Mladen Milanović, who heads a group specialising in construction, real estate and retail. The group consists of 15 companies employing over three thousand people.

Janković has been the subject of several criminal proceedings in connection with Stožice

The company’s annual revenue is between 38 million euros and 46 million euros. The company is already present in Slovenia as the owner of KPL, a construction company that generates most of its business from projects funded by the Municipality of Ljubljana, and the Mayor of Ljubljana has been involved in several

court proceedings in connection with Stožice, but was acquitted at first instance and the proceedings were finally dismissed at second instance. The company MG Mind also tried to purchase the unfinished Tobačna mesto project a few years ago.

Domen Mezeg

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