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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

The Constitutional Court made a mistake by dismissing the appeal for a constitutional review of the referendum on Tito street in Radenci! With this, it allowed for a referendum with totalitarian content!

The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia rejected the appeal of the mayor of Radenci, Roman Leljak, for a constitutional review on the totalitarian content, which means that the referendum on Tito street in Radenci will happen after all. The majority of constitutional judges based their decision to reject the initiative on the grounds …

The Constitutional Court made a mistake by dismissing the appeal for a constitutional review of the referendum on Tito street in Radenci! With this, it allowed for a referendum with totalitarian content! Read More »

Political analyst Čirič sees the epidemic as an opportunity: Slovenia could attract capital, returning from Asia during the corona crisis!

“Every crisis is an opportunity to put your affairs in order, to sort out the things we’ve forgotten about for a long time. However, the current crisis also offers us a great opportunity to attract at least part of the production that the European companies will relocate from Asia. And, as per usual, if we …

Political analyst Čirič sees the epidemic as an opportunity: Slovenia could attract capital, returning from Asia during the corona crisis! Read More »

Representatives of the left opposition support the extremist, who considers the common European currency to be fascist, and at the same time advocates for the abolition of the euro and Slovenia's exit from the eurozone!

“The euro is dead. It was a big mistake. It buried European integration. If we did not have the euro and meaningless rules on fiscal consolidation, the crisis in the EU would pass quickly. The euro must be abolished in a controlled way so that there will be as few negative effects as possible,” said …

Representatives of the left opposition support the extremist, who considers the common European currency to be fascist, and at the same time advocates for the abolition of the euro and Slovenia's exit from the eurozone! Read More »

The mainstream media sank coronavirus containment: They didn’t raise awareness of the importance of health measures, and those who warned about them were thrown logs under their feet!

“Authority is testing the waters all the time how far they can go, how inhuman, immune to another we can become, what kind of control we will consent to under the influence of intimidation and propaganda,” the author of “Wonderful new world” wrote on the Delo website. There was talk of measures taken by the …

The mainstream media sank coronavirus containment: They didn’t raise awareness of the importance of health measures, and those who warned about them were thrown logs under their feet! Read More »

Prime Minister Janez Janša on Sovereignty Day: What happened in October 1991 had been inconceivable for most people even a year before

Nothing in the life of a person or a nation should be taken for granted. Especially events as glorious as birth and the successful defence of an independent country. The Sovereignty Day is a national holiday when we commemorate one of the crucial events in Slovenia’s process of gaining independence. In October 1991, the last …

Prime Minister Janez Janša on Sovereignty Day: What happened in October 1991 had been inconceivable for most people even a year before Read More »

The non-governmental organizations are threatening with death!

After the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia called on the non-governmental organizations that use the premises at Metelkova 6 in Ljubljana, near the Ministry, to vacate the said premises by the end of January next year, because the building is dangerous for tenants due to wear and tear, the NGOs decided to …

The non-governmental organizations are threatening with death! Read More »

Soros’s lackey and president of the Youth Plus Trade union is conspiring with other trade unions!

President of the Youth Plus (Mladi plus) Trade union, Tea Jarc, who is known for her connections with the financial speculator George Soros and is a great supporter of Tanja Fajon and Ivo Vajgl, which resulted in her being awarded the position of an assistant, is once again stirring the pot. This time, she is …

Soros’s lackey and president of the Youth Plus Trade union is conspiring with other trade unions! Read More »

A new record: On Friday, we recorded almost two thousand new coronavirus infections in Slovenia

On Friday, 1,963 new infections with the novel coronavirus were confirmed in Slovenia, with 7,025 tests administered. The share of positive tests was 27.94 percent, which means that every fourth test was positive. On Friday, 18 patients died of the COVID-19 disease, raising the total to 234. 449 people were being treated in hospitals across …

A new record: On Friday, we recorded almost two thousand new coronavirus infections in Slovenia Read More »

Four prominent lawyers tore up Teršek and Pavlin’s claims: “Restricting movement is not unconstitutional!”

After the constitutional lawyer Andraž Teršek and lawyer Damijan Pavlin filed a request with the Constitutional Court for a constitutional review of Article 39 of the Communicable Diseases Act, on the basis of which the government adopted the measure of restricting movement between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., which Teršek and Pavlin believe was an …

Four prominent lawyers tore up Teršek and Pavlin’s claims: “Restricting movement is not unconstitutional!” Read More »

You will be appalled when you hear how much money went to the NGOs that occupy the work premises at Metelkova rent-free!

After the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia called on the non-governmental organizations that are using the premises at Metelkova 6 in Ljubljana, near the Ministry, to vacate the premises by the end of January next year, as the building is too dangerous for tenants due to its old age and the wear …

You will be appalled when you hear how much money went to the NGOs that occupy the work premises at Metelkova rent-free! Read More »

The European Union is in dire straits: SD president Tanja Fajon is taking over the management of the Asylum and Migration Fund 2021-2027 in the European Parliament!

After Tanja Fajon, MEP and the new president of the SD party, was reappointed as the European Parliament’s rapporteur on the functioning of the Schengen area in January 2020, and she called for the abolition of the “illegal border controls,” she has now also taken over the 2021-2027 Asylum and Migration Fund. “Following the departure …

The European Union is in dire straits: SD president Tanja Fajon is taking over the management of the Asylum and Migration Fund 2021-2027 in the European Parliament! Read More »

Due to the lawyers’ request for a constitutional review at a time of a record number of infections, a group of protesters gathered on the streets! Maribor citizen commented on the situation, saying: I am ashamed!

“Is this even possible? Today, we recorded more than 1,000 new infections, but some idiots decided to gather at a protest after 9 p.m. when movement outdoors is restricted, and now they are yelling: ‘We are Maribor!’ Today, I am ashamed to be a citizen of Maribor,” a Maribor resident commented on the protests against …

Due to the lawyers’ request for a constitutional review at a time of a record number of infections, a group of protesters gathered on the streets! Maribor citizen commented on the situation, saying: I am ashamed! Read More »