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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

The general public needs to get to know the Slovenian media scene – it is time for an independent investigation!

“We do not need hostility and “war” in Slovenia. What we need is a responsible government, a constructive opposition and a plural and fair media landscape. Not one where the media from the right is described as the “factory of evil” and those from the opposite side are described, on a daily basis, as credible, …

The general public needs to get to know the Slovenian media scene – it is time for an independent investigation! Read More »

Slovenia is among the top 20 healthiest countries to live in

In addition to all of the other acknowledgements, Slovenia also received international recognition for being one of the healthiest countries in the world. While the country ranks 11th among the healthiest countries, Ljubljana ranks as high as 9th among the healthiest cities to live in. The web portal has put together a list of …

Slovenia is among the top 20 healthiest countries to live in Read More »

The Politico journalist Lili Bayer did not check a whole bunch of false claims – she only referred to the sources from the left, the anti-government side!

Politico has repeatedly proven to be a biased media outlet, which, when trying to write about local affairs of individual countries, always takes the position of the extreme leftists from these countries, which suggests that it has and also seeks such contacts. We are publishing the Ministry of Culture’s response below. In its latest article …

The Politico journalist Lili Bayer did not check a whole bunch of false claims – she only referred to the sources from the left, the anti-government side! Read More »

The extreme left is the greatest threat to Slovenia and democracy. After the defeat in the National Assembly, it is calling for the people to take to the streets; they even want to slaughter the government!

For the extreme left, or rather, the Levica (Left) party – given that it is certainly the extreme left’s party that is the loudest in the National Assembly –democracy only exists when things are going according to their wishes. When they are in power, when they want to be – or when they are trying …

The extreme left is the greatest threat to Slovenia and democracy. After the defeat in the National Assembly, it is calling for the people to take to the streets; they even want to slaughter the government! Read More »

Son of the Supreme State Prosecutor and a Judge registered on the list of the Levica party

Škandal24 published an article, in which it reveals that the Levica MP Nataša Sukič is encouraging like-minded people to put up posters with inscriptions, such as “we cannot stay quiet,” with the slogan “put up a poster,” which she is using to encourage the reproduction and pasting of posters. Meanwhile, the Levica party is already …

Son of the Supreme State Prosecutor and a Judge registered on the list of the Levica party Read More »

There is no longer any doubt as to who, by their example, is taking care of the deteriorating epidemiological situation

At the session regarding the decision of the no confidence vote against the government, Alenka Bratušek was very loud about the government’s fault for spreading infections. She claimed that no one could accuse her and her party of anything, but then in the following days she discredited this claim herself when she was caught without …

There is no longer any doubt as to who, by their example, is taking care of the deteriorating epidemiological situation Read More »

Four doctors, sales rep sentenced to prison in healthcare corruption trial

Four orthopaedic surgeons and a sales representative were sentenced to jail terms ranging from ten months to three years in what was the largest healthcare corruption trial in Slovenia. The Ljubljana District Court also imposed fines, while three of the doctors will also have their unlawfully gained assets seized. The verdicts are not final yet, …

Four doctors, sales rep sentenced to prison in healthcare corruption trial Read More »

Dear Politico, dear Lili Bayer: You are a propagandist of the radical left, an exporter of fake news and a case study on how to mislead the public

Dear Politico editorial staff, dear Lili Bayer, if we are not mistaken, Politico was established as an “impartial medium” with accurate information and details from the background of political events. It wanted to become a prestigious and credible resource from the world of global politics. But let’s leave that aside for now. Who you choose …

Dear Politico, dear Lili Bayer: You are a propagandist of the radical left, an exporter of fake news and a case study on how to mislead the public Read More »

Answers of Slovenian Government Communication Office to Politico’s questions

Politico published an article on the media situation in Slovenia. Despite the fact that the Government Communication Office provided extensive answers to Politco’s questions, the answers were not summarized when reporting on the situation in Slovenia. Therefore, we publish all the answers the questions and materials that were provided to Politico. 1. What is the …

Answers of Slovenian Government Communication Office to Politico’s questions Read More »