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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

What Did Priest Cestnik Say That Earned Him A Media Pogrom?

The well-known priest Branko Cestnik has published a post on feminism, which, according to the mainstream media, has “upset” the general public. He was attacked by some notorious names of the left-wing “elite”, and even the Human Rights Ombudsman commented on the matter, while Cestnik was not even called for comment. If they had called …

What Did Priest Cestnik Say That Earned Him A Media Pogrom? Read More »

The Year Of Remembrance Of The Discovery Of Communist Massacre At The Barbara Pit

The Government Commission on Concealed Mass Graves in Slovenia has declared 2024 as the Year of Commemoration of 15 years since the entry into St Barbara’s Tunnel – the Barbara Pit in Huda Jama near Laško, where the victims of a massacre were found, and the dialogue on the burial of the unburied dead. The …

The Year Of Remembrance Of The Discovery Of Communist Massacre At The Barbara Pit Read More »

It is clearly time for the government to be impeached

After everything that we have seen recently, it is clearly time for the government to be impeached, says the leader of the opposition, Janez Janša, who has listed a number of reasons for holding the very top of the executive political branch accountable, which we are publishing below. The Social Democrats (Socialni demokrati – SD) …

It is clearly time for the government to be impeached Read More »

The State Is Prosecuting Entrepreneurs Because Of 2.63 Euros

Tax expert Ivan Simič recently pointed out on his website Simič and Partners a decision by the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (FURS), which concludes that during the audit of the cashier’s operations, the taxpayer had 2.63 euros more money in the cash register than the total of the recorded exchange and the …

The State Is Prosecuting Entrepreneurs Because Of 2.63 Euros Read More »

The Depoliticised RTV Is Playing Us All For Fools

The television show “Politically with Tanja Gobec” (“Politično s Tanjo Gobec”) has once again illustrated how the “depoliticised” management of the national media outlet, Radio-Television Slovenia (RTVS), imagines balanced reporting. On the show, the hottest affair of the moment, the “dilapidated building” affair, was commented on by two opinion leaders of the left, namely Grega …

The Depoliticised RTV Is Playing Us All For Fools Read More »

The Rule Of Law Does Not Apply To The European Commission

“The Vice-President of the European Commission, Věra Jourová, did not reply even by the deadline set by the European Ombudsman, thus formally entering into a dispute with yet another European Union institution,” Member of the European Parliament Milan Zver recently said.   A few days ago, MEP Milan Zver received a reply to a complaint …

The Rule Of Law Does Not Apply To The European Commission Read More »

On The 1st Of February, The RTV Management Cancelled Nova24TV For 60,000 Households

“Today, the liberated Radio-Television Slovenia (RTVS) switched off the Nova24TV programme from the transmitters for reception via antennas. Sixty thousand households can now only watch the ideologically brainwashed RTV. This is censorship of dissent. Golobism = fascism,” said Boris Tomasič, director of the media house Nova24TV. As many as 60 thousand households with antenna transmitters, …

On The 1st Of February, The RTV Management Cancelled Nova24TV For 60,000 Households Read More »

The “Poisoning” Lobby Wants To Legalise The Medical Poisoning Of The Sick And Elderly At Any Cost

“In Slovenia, the poison lobby is trying to legitimise the medical poisoning of the sick and elderly at any cost,” said Aleš Primc, President of the Voice for Children and Families movement (Glas za otroke in družine). He and Metka Zevnik, President of the Association of Grandparents, are strongly opposed to the legalisation of euthanasia, …

The “Poisoning” Lobby Wants To Legalise The Medical Poisoning Of The Sick And Elderly At Any Cost Read More »

Slovenia Will Continue To Finance The UNRWA Terrorist Nest

The revelation that the United Nations staff were among the terrorists who rampaged through Israel on the 7th of October 2023 was followed by a wave of countries withdrawing further funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). However, Slovenia was not among them. On the …

Slovenia Will Continue To Finance The UNRWA Terrorist Nest Read More »

Interpellation Of The Minister Of Justice For The Suspected Crime

The parliamentary group of the Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS) has recently submitted an interpellation against the Minister of Justice, Dominika Švarc Pipan. The parliamentary group is accusing her of being objectively responsible for the controversial purchase of the premises for the district court on Litijska Street in Ljubljana. Earlier, the SDS …

Interpellation Of The Minister Of Justice For The Suspected Crime Read More »

The Golob Government Has Taken More Than 2,000 Euros From The Average Family On An Annual Basis

The Family Initiative (Družinska pobuda) has calculated that the average Slovenian family with two average salaries and two children in kindergarten will be deprived of 2,036 euros per year as a result of the harmful measures taken by the government of Robert Golob. The parents’ salaries are lower due to higher income tax, families receive …

The Golob Government Has Taken More Than 2,000 Euros From The Average Family On An Annual Basis Read More »