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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

The Opposition Shot Itself in the Foot Again With the Latest Interpellation! They Only Got 38 Votes for Replacing Janez Cigler Kralj!

Another, this time probably the most sloppily prepared (if that is even possible) interpellation, has fallen. Let’s leave aside the fact that it is obvious that the total IQ of the transitional left has gone down, as nobody in their right mind would have thought to initiate as many as three additional interpellations after a …

The Opposition Shot Itself in the Foot Again With the Latest Interpellation! They Only Got 38 Votes for Replacing Janez Cigler Kralj! Read More »

The First-Class Elite Can Get Away With Anything – Even With Empty Warehouses and a Million Euros on the Side

“When you take care of the procurement of supplies in an extremely chaotic situation and thus save hundreds of lives – you are not efficient. Marjan Šarec is the one who is efficient, as he sent our masks to China and left empty warehouses behind. Vesel is also “efficient,” as he got 1 million euros, …

The First-Class Elite Can Get Away With Anything – Even With Empty Warehouses and a Million Euros on the Side Read More »

Kos’s Scheming in the International Institutions: He Managed to Include all of These Insinuations in the OECD Report on Slovenia! But Why Did He Keep Quiet About the Laundering of Iranian Money in the NLB?

“Slovenia’s inaction in the matter of bribery from abroad remains a serious problem at a time when allegations of political interference in investigations and prosecutions have escalated.” This is what was written in a draft of a press release on the results of a report on the 4th phase of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation …

Kos’s Scheming in the International Institutions: He Managed to Include all of These Insinuations in the OECD Report on Slovenia! But Why Did He Keep Quiet About the Laundering of Iranian Money in the NLB? Read More »

Slovenia Is at the Very Top Among the EU Countries in Terms of the Vaccination Rate

Week after week, the left-wing opposition shows us that rock bottom is never actually rock bottom yet. They can always stoop even lower. How else could we perceive what they are doing? For six months, they dealt with the vote of no confidence, then they filed three interpellations at once, and now Marjan Šarec suddenly …

Slovenia Is at the Very Top Among the EU Countries in Terms of the Vaccination Rate Read More »

Statue erected for climate celebrity Greta

A university has decided to erect a statue of Greta Thunberg. They are of the opinion that the work will be an inspiration to all the students. A bronze sculpture of none other than Swedish climate celebrity Greta Thunberg will soon be unveiled at Winchester University. Sculptor Christine Charlesworth has been working on the statue for a year. The university wanted …

Statue erected for climate celebrity Greta Read More »

The benefits of vaccines exceed the dangers of vaccines

The press conference was attended by Bojana Beović, member of the advisory group for vaccinations at the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ), and Ada Hočevar Grom from NIJZ. 4,842 PCR tests were carried out on Monday, 918 persons tested positive. 19 per cent of tests were positive. 47,109 rapid tests were carried out. A …

The benefits of vaccines exceed the dangers of vaccines Read More »

Political analyst Čirič: Filing interpellations by the left opposition is not wise, as they reduce their credibility with bad arguments

The opposition LMŠ, SD, Levica, and SAB in the National Assembly failed to gather enough votes in support of the interpellation of the Minister of Education, Science, and Sport Simona Kustec. Only 38 MPs voted in favour of the interpellation, and for the interpellation to succeed 46 votes would be needed. According to a political …

Political analyst Čirič: Filing interpellations by the left opposition is not wise, as they reduce their credibility with bad arguments Read More »

Salvini: Only a “Martian” would focus on supporting immigration in times of crisis

“Companies on the brink of bankruptcy and citizens are in crisis. But the left, which is drifting further and further away from the needs of Italians, only focuses on immigration,” Giorgia Meloni, head of the right-wing Brothers of Italy party said, reacting to remarks by the Democratic Party’s new secretary, which Matteo Salvini has also …

Salvini: Only a “Martian” would focus on supporting immigration in times of crisis Read More »

SDS, NSi and SNS Parliamentary Groups Submit Request for Convening an Extraordinary Session Regarding the Termination of Office of the President of the Court of Audit Tomaž Vesel

The SDS, NSi and SNS parliamentary groups have submitted a request to convene an emergency session of the Mandate-Election Commission, at which they would propose that the mandate of Court of Audit president Tomaž Vesel be terminated due to him performing gainful supervisory activities.  According to them, the purpose of the Court of Audit Act …

SDS, NSi and SNS Parliamentary Groups Submit Request for Convening an Extraordinary Session Regarding the Termination of Office of the President of the Court of Audit Tomaž Vesel Read More »

Prime Minister Janez Janša, Together with European Colleagues, Calls for a Corrective Mechanism and Fair Supply of Vaccines

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Janez Janša attended a working meeting of some of the European Prime Ministers, where they discussed the solidarity and equal access to vaccines against COVID-19. After the conference, which was also attended by the Austrian Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, Bulgarian Prime Minister Bojko Borisov, Latvian Prime …

Prime Minister Janez Janša, Together with European Colleagues, Calls for a Corrective Mechanism and Fair Supply of Vaccines Read More »

Employee of the Social Work Centre Ljubljana, Gordana Pirš, Returns: It Is Amazing How Many Insults and How Much Hatred She Was Able to Channel into One Post Against the Well-Known Analyst Jeretič and TV Show Host Možina!

“Janšistic ass-kisser, Home Guard fucker, SDS scumbag, liar, SDS shit, SDS moron, cretin, idiot, SDS Janšistic lowlife, rabble, vermin, stinker.” All of these words were put in one single post by the infamous Gordana Pirš, an employee of the Social Work Centre Ljubljana. She directed all of these vile words against Sebastjan Jeretič. She was …

Employee of the Social Work Centre Ljubljana, Gordana Pirš, Returns: It Is Amazing How Many Insults and How Much Hatred She Was Able to Channel into One Post Against the Well-Known Analyst Jeretič and TV Show Host Možina! Read More »