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Salaries of Employees at RTV

The national media outlet, RTV Slovenia, published the data on the 50 highest gross salaries paid to its employees in December 2021. Despite the fact that RTV Slovenia did not want to share the information on gross salaries with all allowances in the past, including the length-of-service bonus, this time, the data includes all additions as well. For example, the length-of-service allowance brings quite a big addition to the salaries of those who have been on public television for many years now.

RTV Slovenia provided the web portal Siol with the information on gross salaries with all additions of all its employees. Siol already requested the data on the salaries in December of last year, but the RTV did not provide complete information at the time, as they left out the length-of-service allowance, saying that it was “too personal.” Data on the length of service may not be published as an individual allowance, however, it is included in the gross earnings. In principle, the length-of-service allowance is half a percent of the basic salary for each completed year of service, so there can be large discrepancies here. Someone who has 20 years of service behind them can thus earn a much higher gross salary than someone who has been at RTV for a shorter amount of time, so this time, the gross salaries that RTV has sent to the media outlet Siol are significantly higher than those which were sent without the length-of-service allowance.

Special allowances for correspondents abroad are different, and the salaries are also much higher because of them, but RTV explained that various allowances are paid to people who work abroad, due to which, the salary is that much higher. This includes allowances for work abroad (distance allowance, compensation for dependent children, compensation for an unemployed partner, accommodation costs, …), and that is why the gross salary of a person working abroad is not comparable to the salaries of other employees. However, it would be comparable if they worked in Slovenia, but that is why they decided not to share this data.

Salaries with the increments for the length of service are almost 500 euros higher
The November salary without the length-of-service allowance for the long-time TV show host on public television, Miša Molk, thus amounted to 4,068 euros, while in December, she actually received almost 500 euros more, namely 4,503 euros, which included the length-of-service increment. The situation with Marko Filli, the former Director of RTV Slovenia, who is now the head of the regional centre, is very similar. Without the length-of-service allowance, his salary amounted to 4,136 euros in November, and a month later, it was 4,468 euros with the said allowance. The gross salary of journalist and TV show host Erika Žnidaršič amounted to 3,960 euros without the length-of-service allowance, and to 4,195 euros with the allowance. TV show host and journalist Igor E. Bergant receives a slightly higher seniority bonus than his colleague. His gross November salary without the allowance amounted to 3,817 euros, and with the allowance, he received 350 euros more in December of last year. Thus, the differences are also clear with other employees, for example, in the long-term associate of RTV Slovenia and the editor of the programme, Janez Virk: 4,019 euros without the allowance for the length-of-service, 4,464 euros with the allowance. Journalist Lidija Hren received a gross salary of 3,960 euros in November, but according to the latest data, her salary is almost 500 euros higher due to the length-of-service allowance.

According to RTV, the gross salary also includes other allowances, such as the allowance for increased workload and work on projects, which may be the reason for some deviations. “The payment of increased workload allowance always means savings for the public institution, as the allowance is only paid when a certain person takes over a job that is not occupied for various reasons,” they also wrote, Siol reports.

Data on editors’ salaries, but without names
Siol also asked the Ministry of Public Administration for the list of 50 highest paid salaries at RTV, and the Ministry also sent them data, but it was incomplete – without the names and surnames. The data they received from two different sources only differs in the amount of the highest gross paid salary, namely, for 347 euros. According to the Ministry of Public Administration, the highest gross salary in December was paid to the editor of broadcasts, whose name and surname remain unknown, and which amounted to 5,417 euros, while the editor-in-chief of the programme, Darko Pukl, topped the RTV’s list with 5,071 euros. Editor-in-chief Vanja Vardjan is second, with a gross salary of 4,957 euros, and Director-General of RTV Slovenia, Andrej Grah Whatmough, is in seventh place on the list, with 4,660 euros gross. Meanwhile, TV Slovenia Director Valentin Areh is right behind Whatmough, with 4,639 euros gross. The 13th place belongs to Miša Molk, and journalist Jože Možina is much lower on the list, as he earned 4,346 euros gross and landed in 29th place. Journalist and TV show host Erika Žnidaršič landed almost at the bottom with 4,195 euros gross – in 46th place. And Igor E. Bergant, with 4,167 euros gross, is in 48th place.

Tanja Brkić

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