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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

Ivan Šokić

Slovenia’s UN ambassador hosts reception for EU delegates on budgetary committee

Slovenia’s Ambassador at the UN Darja Bavdaž Kuret, whose term expires in June, hosted a working reception for EU delegates and negotiators on the UN General Assembly Fifth Committee, which has been meeting virtually since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on UN rules, the fifth committee distributes member states’ contributions between the regular …

Slovenia’s UN ambassador hosts reception for EU delegates on budgetary committee Read More »

Slovenia resuming acquisition of Boxer APCs

Slovenia will resume the process to purchase eight-wheeled Boxer armoured personnel carriers (APCs) from the Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation (OCCAR) after the deal, at the time valued at EUR 306 million, was shelved by the previous government early in 2019. The government today got acquainted with the procedure to buy the 8X8 Boxer vehicles …

Slovenia resuming acquisition of Boxer APCs Read More »

What a mess: Jani Möderndorfer was caught lying by world leaders – Angela Merkel, Sebastian Kurz…

After a series of unsuccessful interpellations, the opposition decided to use an instrument of a proposal for a constitutional indictment out of a desire for a new government. Yesterday’s debate, which ended miserably again, served with a whole bunch of nonsense and untruths, which undoubtedly include the statement of MP Jani Möderndorfer from Šarec’s LMŠ …

What a mess: Jani Möderndorfer was caught lying by world leaders – Angela Merkel, Sebastian Kurz… Read More »

PM Orban in talks with Spanish right-wing VOX party leader

Santiago Abascal, the leader and MP of the Spanish VOX party, paid a visit to Hungary and was also received by Hungarian PM Viktor Orban in Budapest on Thursday morning, PM Orban’s press chief, Bertalan Havasi, told Hungary’s state news agency (MTI). “Border protection, family policy, Christian culture – we believe this is what the …

PM Orban in talks with Spanish right-wing VOX party leader Read More »

The Brownshirts Once Again Made Threats in Front of the Ministry of Culture

“The brownshirts were once again making threats in front of the Ministry of Culture. They poured red paint on the road and the sidewalk, and the police calmly watched them and waited for them to finish,” Mitja Iršič, a public relations consultant at the Ministry of Culture, wrote in a post on Twitter. While some …

The Brownshirts Once Again Made Threats in Front of the Ministry of Culture Read More »

Minister Hojs: Those Who Organise Protests During the Epidemic Are Acting Irresponsibly Towards Themselves and Their Fellow Citizens

“It is still an indisputable fact that the epidemic is not over yet,” warned Minister of the Interior Aleš Hojs, backing his words up with the data which shows that the central region of Slovenia is actually still among those with the worst epidemiological picture. The government decrees are very clear. At the moment, up …

Minister Hojs: Those Who Organise Protests During the Epidemic Are Acting Irresponsibly Towards Themselves and Their Fellow Citizens Read More »

There Is No Reason Why the Procedure for Appointing a European Delegated Prosecutor Should Not Be Carried Out in the Same Way as the Procedure for Appointing National Prosecutors

According to lawyers, there is no reason why the national part of the procedure for appointing European Delegate Prosecutors should not be carried out in the same way as the procedure for appointing national prosecutors, in which the government has greater powers when it comes to the confirmation of candidates. The European Public Prosecutor’s Office …

There Is No Reason Why the Procedure for Appointing a European Delegated Prosecutor Should Not Be Carried Out in the Same Way as the Procedure for Appointing National Prosecutors Read More »

This Is the Secret Document of the Former LDS, Which Reveals Who the Fathers of the Slovenian Schism Really Are!

“The ideological fight is nothing more than a market niche. Who are the fathers of the Slovenian schism? Edvard Oven reveals an interesting internal document of the LDS party, which was co-signed by Pavel Gantar in 1991. This sentence might be the most important: ‘We believe that the conflict between liberals and “the blacks” (the …

This Is the Secret Document of the Former LDS, Which Reveals Who the Fathers of the Slovenian Schism Really Are! Read More »

The Communist Manifesto in a Leftist Magazine: Private Schools Are Something Perverted!

“The Communist Manifesto: The establishment of communism requires the destruction of the family, the nation, private property, religion, and private education. Cultural Marxists on the website Spletna Mladina are continuing the old totalitarian tradition,” Prime Minister Janez Janša wrote in response to the cover of Global magazine. It is a well-known fact that in socialism, …

The Communist Manifesto in a Leftist Magazine: Private Schools Are Something Perverted! Read More »

Enormous Pressures on Zorčič: This Is What the Influential People From the Background are Promising Him if He Takes Over DeSUS

A lot is happening in the background ahead of the June congress of the DeSUS party, our sources claim. Less than a month ago, we revealed Igor Zorčič’s secret plan – after being a member of the Zares and SMC parties, he is now planning to rise to the top of the DeSUS party, from …

Enormous Pressures on Zorčič: This Is What the Influential People From the Background are Promising Him if He Takes Over DeSUS Read More »

An International Scandal: The Slovenian Press Agency Chose a Cover Photo of Palestinians Trampling the Israeli Flag! The Israeli Ambassador Responded!

The Slovenian Press Agency has once again caused a scandal that will cause quite a stir and is already resonating in the international public. They published an article entitled “Slovenia welcomes the ceasefire in the Middle East,” with the cover photo of Palestinians in sandals, who are trampling the Israeli flag. Their choice of the …

An International Scandal: The Slovenian Press Agency Chose a Cover Photo of Palestinians Trampling the Israeli Flag! The Israeli Ambassador Responded! Read More »

A Member of Rop’s Government Reveals Why Drago Kos and Boštaj Penko Founded the CPC – for the Discreditation of Political Opponents on the Basis of “Some Journalistic Article!”

“At that time, Drago Kos and Boštjan Penko appeared in Rop’s government one day. They were explaining some principles to the government, the concept of which was the then-still unfounded Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (referred to as the CPC). At first, the matter did not interest me at all, so I did not …

A Member of Rop’s Government Reveals Why Drago Kos and Boštaj Penko Founded the CPC – for the Discreditation of Political Opponents on the Basis of “Some Journalistic Article!” Read More »