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Another Blow For Tomašič: Prosecution Against The Viewer Who Wants To Shoot Him In The Heart Has Been Dropped!

“Another story about our independent judiciary. Senior State Prosecutor Darko Novak dismissed a criminal complaint against Anton Žlinder, who threatened me that I ‘deserve to be punched in the face or shot in the heart'”, Boris Tomasič posted.

In recent days, the world record holder in hosting the longest television talk show, Boris Tomasič, has been the target of a highly unprofessional and politically oriented security apparatus. Following the searches of his home and the media outlet he heads, Nova24TV, despite the fact that he was not one of the suspects, he has now been subjected to yet another shock by the Slovenian prosecutor’s office.

On the 4th of December 2023, Tomasič was threatened by a person called Anton Žlinder via text messages that he “deserves to be punched in the face or shot in the heart”. Tomašič filed a criminal complaint against the potential attacker, but once again, the Slovenian prosecutor’s office showed its true colours. The prosecutor, Darko Novak, dismissed the case.

Could the anger of the viewers be the trigger for more threats?

In his reasoning for his decision, Prosecutor Novak states that watching the show Kdo vam laže? (Who Is Lying to You?), the host of which is Tomašič, made the suspect angry, saying that on the show, Tomasič “expresses untrue opinions and makes untrue judgements about people, which is why the viewer sent him a text message.” The suspect further repented for his words and at the same time expressed his wish for Tomašič to change his statements on television.

As the suspect is over 70 years old, has no criminal record, and, according to Prosecutor Novak, has given “valid” explanations for his threats, he dismissed the criminal charges.

However, Tomašič still has another legal remedy available to him – a direct filing of a criminal complaint with the Ljubljana District Court.

The law enforcement authorities are only protecting the first-class elite

Repeated incidents give rise to a well-founded suspicion of double standards in the work of law enforcement authorities. Let us just remind you that the Slovenian judiciary, after an extremely fast-track procedure, convicted the “attacker” who threatened the Director of the 8th of March Institute (Inštitut 8. marec) non-governmental organisation, Nika Kovač, that he is going to kill her dog and told her “The fucking 8th of March Institute, why are you constantly pushing your luck.”

It seems unimaginable that someone can be convicted for making threats against a dog, but not prosecuted for making murder threats. Would Prosecutor Novak have dismissed the same threats even if they had been made against him?

C. Š.

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