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What Was So Funny About This Tragic Situation?

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Robert Golob hosted the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in Slovenia, and they visited some of the areas that have been most severely hit by the floods. While the sight of the devastated areas usually brings tears to people’s eyes, the Prime Minister and the President smiled at the sight of the destruction. What was so funny at the time is not known, but it iss quite morbid to see their smiling faces at a time like this.

Slovenia will receive 100 million euros from the European Union Solidarity Fund this year and then an additional 300 million euros in 2024. That was the promise of the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. Is this what brought a smile to the face of Prime Minister Robert Golob, who smiled at the sight of the devastated areas that were hit by the floods that took everything from thousands of people?

European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, together with Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob, took a helicopter tour of some of the areas affected by the floods, such as Komenda, Mengeš, Kamnik, Luče, Ljubno ob Savinji and Mozirje. She also visited Črna na Koroškem to see the affected areas.

Laughing at the sight of a pile of debris

While their tour of the affected areas was a heartbreaking sight and the people who were left destitute in a matter of hours were in tears, something must have struck the pair as very funny because, at one point, both the European Commission President and the Prime Minister laughed. Romana Lesjak, Mayor of Črna na Koroškem, also did not hide her joy. It is not known what prompted this. We have, however, asked the Prime Minister’s office about this, so we are awaiting answers.

It is also worth noting that Golob and Von der Leyen are not the only ones who have not been able to contain their emotions at the sight of areas where people have lost practically everything. Radio-Television Slovenia viewers and payers were particularly disturbed a few days ago by the smiles of the daily news presenter, Saša Kranjc.

Borut Pahor, former President of the Republic and a politician with a long mileage, showed how politicians should be able to express their emotions in a way that is appropriate to the situation. Meanwhile, Golob’s companion Tina Gaber promoted herself with a smile on her face rather than promoting aid.

Tanja Brkić

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