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Civil initiative Let’s Awaken Slovenia: With the brutal and systematic tearing down of the Janša government, the left-wing bloc is severely restricting the constitutional right to exercise executive power!

Civil initiative Let’s Awaken Slovenia: With the brutal and systematic tearing down of the Janša government, the left-wing bloc is severely restricting the constitutional right to exercise executive power. The Civil Initiative Let’s Awaken Slovenia, led by Jože Mlakar, expressed their support for the government in a press release. Among other things, they also wrote the following in their statement: “At a time when the whole world is facing one of the biggest crises after the Second World War, more and more attacks on the democracy are happening in our country. Under the pretext of the civil society and according to the directions of the behind-the-scenes directors, certain individuals are returning to the political system, for whom the democracy is only a means to achieve personal gain. The time that some parties have chosen to overthrow the government was not chosen at random.”

The Civil Initiative Let’s Awaken Slovenia addressed an appeal to the public, stating that with the brutal and systematic tearing down of the Janez Janša government, the left-wing bloc is severely restricting the constitutional right of those who do not think like they do, to exercise the executive power within the framework of the Constitution. They are also constantly criminalising the current government and declaring themselves the exclusive guardians of the constitutional order. They do not recognise their political opponents as equal competitors, but rather, they reduce the whole society to their ideological and economic pole.

We are publishing the statement in its entirety below.

Statement by the Civil Initiative Let’s Awaken Slovenia, in support of the government of Janez Janša!

At a time when the whole world is facing one of the biggest crises after the Second World War, more and more attacks on democracy are happening in our country. Under the pretext of the civil society and according to the directions of the behind-the-scenes directors, certain individuals are returning to the political system, for whom the democracy is only a means to achieve personal gain. The time that some parties have chosen to overthrow the government was not chosen at random.

With the brutal and systematic tearing down of the Janez Janša government, the left-wing bloc is severely restricting the constitutional right of those who do not think like they do, to exercise the executive power within the framework of the Constitution. They are also constantly criminalising the current government and declaring themselves the exclusive guardians of the constitutional order. They do not recognise their political opponents as equal competitors, but rather, they reduce the whole society to their ideological and economic pole.

The current health crisis will be followed by an economic one, which will be resolved with the generous assistance of the European Union. That is why the opposition is in a hurry to use all the levers – even the illegal ones – to overthrow the government in the vilest possible way. This would cause irreparable damage to Slovenia, as the same people who have recently been unsuccessful in leading the government and who were quarrelling among each other, losing cases in the European courts and thus tarnishing the country’s reputation and losing our money, now want to take over the leadership again. At the moment, we are also witnessing the left-wing bloc bribing, pressuring and blackmailing the coalition MPs on the open stage, so they would betray the membership of their parties and turn their backs on the reasons why they were elected.

We are expressing our full support for the current government and the members of parliament who are working with it, as they are coping well with the epidemic, with the above-average help of the healthcare system, as well as all of the consequences of the epidemic in other areas.

Jože Mlakar, President of the Civil Initiative Let’s Awaken Slovenia


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