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Yurii Novievyj: “In the land battle our army and territorial defence are better than the Russians”

Interview with Yurii Novievyj, activist in the Maidan revolution, coordinator of the Orthodox movement “Katehon” and regional deputy in Kyiv Oblast (region) between 2013-2015 for the Svodoba (Freedom) party, the largest Ukrainian nationalist party.

You currently serve in the forces defending the capital.

That’s right, I am in the defence of the city of Kyiv. A large number of people have joined the defence forces and the army. He also took part in logistical tasks such as organising and distributing food, medicine, clothing, night visors, etc.

Russian troops have not yet managed to reach the capital.

No, the ongoing battles are taking place around Kyiv, in towns such as Makariv, Boocha, Irpin or Baryshivka, and in the villages near these towns.

How are these cities being defended?

We have fortified the cities, but our army is not conducting a static defence and, when possible, we counterattack.

And what is happening in the big cities?

The enemy has not been able to enter the big cities and their forces have been pushed back. That’s why they have started shelling the towns, causing a lot of dead and wounded, including 40 dead children.

In Kyiv we have had ballistic missile attacks on government buildings and also on blocks of flats. But the heaviest shelling has been on the towns near the capital, which have been attacked by aircraft, artillery and rockets. In addition, the enemy has not respected the ceasefire for the evacuation of non-combatants, causing the death of numerous civilians who wanted to leave Irpin, Boocha or Hostomel.

The same is happening around major cities such as Chernigiv, Sumy, Kharkiv and Mariupol.

Who is in command of these defence units?

All defence battalions are under the direct command of the Ukrainian army.

Following the handover of weapons and the release of prisoners, some media have reported that there are uncontrolled gangs in the capital.

No, this is not true. Only veterans who were in prison have been given weapons in exchange for fighting again. Moreover, these men have been reincorporated into the units in which they had previously served.

Last week I interviewed a Ukrainian MP, Sviatoslav Yurash, who said that a no-fly zone was essential. Do you share that view?

Yes, Ukraine really needs the West to impose a no-fly zone. That would prevent them from bombing our cities with impunity. We have shot down many enemy planes, but it is not enough. We need NATO to protect our skies.

As in 2014, many foreigners have come to Ukraine to fight the Russian army.

Yes, many patriots have joined the international legion to fight against Russia and there are also many foreign organisations helping with military items, medicines, etc.

What we find surprising here is that in the West there are right-wing or nationalist people who support Putin. They are not interested in the history and politics of Eastern Europe, and therefore do not understand what is going on. They are like a bus driver telling how to perform surgery. How can we define these people?

Ukrainian nationalists are also against Western globalism. We want neither Putin nor Soros. Being against Western globalism does not justify a war against a European nation by Russian imperialism. These ideas about Putin mean that there are people who cannot think about two different things at the same time. I think they see the war as a movie, sitting with a beer in front of their TV, we see it with our eyes.

Some Western media define this legion as “international Nazi brigades”.

Nearly 20,000 foreign volunteers of 52 nationalities have come to Ukraine (Foreign Ministry figures). And there are volunteers from Latin America, Africa, everywhere. This news is nothing but nonsense.

Are there also Russians?

Russians joined mostly in 2014-2015.

And Belarusians?

Yes, now there has been a new wave of Belarusian volunteers.

Do they also belong to the international legion?

No, they are in the army and the national guard. The international legion is not for them.

Why is that?

Because they are our people.

Thousands of Ukrainians living abroad have also returned. 

Yes, almost 100,000 so far and more are returning every day.

What would you ask of the West?

We ask to secure the skies, fighters and anti-aircraft rocket systems, for SWIFT to be completely closed to Russia, and for there to be a real trade embargo. If there is a no-fly zone we can win this war sooner, because in the ground battle our army and territorial defence are better than the Russians.

Source: El Correo de España,  By Álvaro Peñas

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