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The Left Has Created A War Between Two Civilisations

Just how (un)safe Europe has become in recent years can be seen in all major European countries. Most of them have pro-immigrant policies that put their own citizens at risk. Islamic communities are taking advantage of this “privilege”, crime is on the rise, and the United Kingdom government has even publicly offered them protection. We spoke to former Minister of the Interior, Aleš Hojs, about how far we are from a disaster scenario and who is to blame.

While violence in Europe is on the rise and the possibility of terrorist attacks in all major cities is increasing, the left and the mainstream media continue to either hide the truth or point the finger at the “far right”. Former Minister of the Interior, Aleš Hojs, believes that the media are a big part of the problem, putting lives at risk with their biased reporting.

The consequences of the immigration policy adopted by most European governments under the European Union’s tutelage are very obvious to all. A good example of this can be seen in the UK, where people are demanding their country back. This is precisely why they have been targeted by Islamist groups, which have even been supported by the British Government. Attacks, violence and possible terrorist attacks are not the fairy tales that the media would like to portray them as – this is evidenced by the recent cancellation of the performance by the American star Taylor Swift, who was due to perform in Vienna, but was forced to cancel the concert for security reasons.

“This is, in fact, a clash of two civilisations, so to speak, and an agenda that Europe and socialist governments across Europe, and indeed the European Commission itself, have supported over the last five years,” Hojs said. He added that governments did not make sure that these people were assimilated, but that they were and still are subject to different rules. He believes that people do not want to and cannot take this anymore, but the most tragic thing is that the left and mainstream media point the finger at so-called “right-wing extremists,” who are, in fact, just ordinary people who want to live in peace.

The corrupt “woke” mechanism is to blame

“It is this corrupt woke machine that does not realise the damage it is doing,” he said, pointing to several European countries and their heavily populated parts as examples. Among them is also the UK. He also pointed to France as a country with a very similar problem, as well as some parts of Germany that are “being hit hard,” not including Berlin. He pointed out that a similar situation can be observed here, which shows that all those in power seem to be living in a parallel world.

“As long as the media continue to report on this issue in a biased way, people will continue to be misled, when in reality, masked Muslims with machetes are jumping around on their streets, shouting ‘Allah is great!'” Hojs stressed.

Hojs: “This is scandalous”

The former Minister also highlighted a recent message from the Slovenian police that in the case of rape, the victim should try to make the rapist feel compassion. In this context, he pointed out that the message was not only absurd, but also worrying. “This is something so scandalous, and I really don’t know how they could say something like that,” said a shocked Hojs, who added that we are very lucky because we can at least get real information on the social network X, which is not censored because of its owner, Elon Musk.

They should practice their religion in an appropriate manner, but not with violence

With regard to political action, Hojs believes that deportations of all those who are not fleeing countries in conflict should be the next step. It is also urgent to assimilate all those who arrive here. He added: “[They should] practice their religion in an appropriate manner, but not with violence. As long as these people do not feel that they have come to an environment where they cannot do what they want but instead have to adapt, there will be no change.” He added that politics has a key role to play in this.

Hojs also commented on the statement by British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who, instead of protecting the UK patriots, protected the Muslim community. Hojs believes this is nonsense, because Starmer was elected by the citizens. He warned that “they, too, will soon experience what we are experiencing in Slovenia, where after two years, people are realising what they have brought on themselves and who is governing us.” He also pointed out that there is a possibility that our current government will also protect other communities rather than its own citizens.

“That’s the way it is here, so France is no different. The UK is no different, Spain is very similar, and wherever socialists or descendants of communists are in power, things are not going in the right direction,” he concluded.

T. B.

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