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Denmark “sells” asylum offenders to Kosovo

Quite innovative and backed up with “good arguments”, Denmark is now transporting its delinquent asylum seekers without any prospect of being entitled to stay for good money in Kosovo, which is suffering from a chronic lack of money. Denmark is to “jump” around 210 million euros for this. The two countries signed the corresponding agreement on 21.12.2021.

Danish Justice Minister Haekkerup assured that the same rules would apply in the “outsourced” prison in the Balkans as in Danish prisons. He assumes that the agreement will withstand scrutiny by the European Court of Human Rights.

Outsourcing due to lack of space

The Danish government assumes that there will be around 1,000 places too few in the country’s prisons in the next few years. Kosovo, which is chronically in need of money, is an obvious choice. The outsourcing will only affect deportation detainees from third countries.

Ingenious move, according to the motto, “first come, first served”. This example will be followed in the future by some other states that simply no longer want to face the “do-gooder discussion” about the illegality of deportations of asylum seekers who have committed crimes. Except, of course, Germany, the traffic light will know how to prevent this.

Plan allegedly publicly disputed

Overall, the mainstream media is also rushing to emphasize that this plan is highly controversial among the general public. Many would wonder whether the prison conditions prevailing in Denmark would also be adhered to in Kosovo, one matures loudly. Furthermore, they are concerned about the possibility of visiting relatives of the prisoners. Well, maybe you should pack hotel vouchers for a stay in Pristina into the package for those relatives.

In the Danish Parliament, on the other hand, there is a broad consensus on this plan, across all political groups.

EUR 210 million for Kosovo

In return for the reception of the “asylum seeker prisoners”, Kosovo receives 210 million euros from the state of Denmark. The money is to flow there for capital investments in renewable energies, one hears from Pristina.

With this slogan, everyone can be calmed down today, as it sounds contemporary and enormously sustainable. Currently, electricity generation from coal-fired power plants prevails in Kosovo, so it sounds much more credible. Part of the money will also go to improving the general infrastructure of the Kosovar prison system, Pristina confirms.

In the course of this deal, the advocates of the never-ending “welcome to Europe” policy are now making a fierce effort to do so. to start a fundamental dissusion about the relationship of the Danes to “strangers”.

The country has always had trouble with international developments, foreign and domestic policy are strictly separated from each other and there has been a tendency in recent years to isolate rejected foreigners, it sounds from the “opponents of outsourcing”.

Once upon a time, the former bourgeois government had tried to build a deportation prison on a Baltic Sea island. This then failed, as expected, due to the resistance of the population living there.

In any case, it remains exciting to see which European countries plagued by the rush of asylum will follow the pattern of surrendering to the undivided “wrath of the welcome gossipers”.


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