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PM Orban: We need a European renaissance

We talked about the future of Europe, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban told a press briefing in Budapest he held jontly with Italy’s former interior minister and Lega party chief Matteo Salvini, and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

According to Viktor Orban, the pandemic situation enjoys priority in every discussion. They exchanged experiences and urged Brussels to speed up the vaccine procurements.

Hungary’s premier called Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki a friend, and added that Matteo Salvini is considered a hero in Hungary. He recalled that the head of Italy’s Lega party stopped migration at sea, just as the Hungarians did on land.

Mr Orban said the meeting took place now because Fidesz decided to leave the European People’s Party. There are two strong right-wing parliamentary groups in the EP, and Fidesz is considered a big party even on a European scale.

“We talked about the future of Europe,” Viktor Orban said. He said the parties in attendance wanted a European renaissance. They also agreed that their peoples shared a similar mindset regarding certain issues. According to Mr Orban, many European citizens have been left unrepresented. With the EPP having committed itself to the left, Christian Democrats have no representation in Europe, and he promised that they would represent them.

According to Hungary’s premier, they represent the values of freedom and Christianity, and they also say no to migration, communism and censorship. He said the organising work will kick off and the next meeting will most likely be held in Warsaw in May, depending on the pandemic situation.

PM Orban underlined that they will participate in the debate about Europe as they want to make their voices heard. He called it important for Europeans to have their voices heard.

Viktor Orban underscored that they will not fall for any type of provocation, their values ​​and their position are clear. They want to put an end to the notion that the right can only be at the extreme edge, while the left is always at the centre of the political spectrum.

According to Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki, they also talked about the acceleration of the vaccination drive. He said the primary goal was to defeat the pandemic. The key to Europe’s deeper integration lies in fundamental freedoms, sovereignty and traditional values, which Mr Morawiecki beieves should be protected be from foreign cultures. The roots of European integration also lie in freedom and family, as well as protecting these values.

“Today, Europe is fragmented and is being janked left and right,” he said, adding that they want to portray Europe as an experiment concocted in the high chambers of Brussels.

Poland’s premier expressed his fondness for the expression “European renaissance.” He said there is a need for a plan and values ​​that function as a firm foundation.

“I believe in the strength of Italian, Hungarian and Polish families,” he declared.

PM Morawiecki went on to say that Europe has lost its roots and that they need to regrow them. Co-operation is important in the midst of the current health crisis and all three countries fully support that, he said.

Mr Morawiecki insisted that it cannot be left for the strong to dictate. “Polish, Hungarian, Italian friendship is strong and open,” he declared.

Italy’s former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini spoke about their efforts to get the peoples of Europe out of the darkest era since World War II. He said they discussed issues that need to be thrust into the limelight again.

“Brussels has denied its Christian values,” he declared.

Salvini believes that a period of resurrection may follow, and that more Europe is needed in the fight against the pandemic as well as in the protection of borders. He said they also talked about production and agriculture, and recalled that they represent political party groups which speak for hundreds of millions of European citizens.

Salvini says we must fight to protect families, as well as women’s rights. “Our ambitions are set high,” he added.


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