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Slovenian News In ENGLISH


South African coronavirus variant confirmed in Slovenia

At Friday’s press conference, Minister of Health Janez Poklukar said that Slovenia has confirmed the first case of the South African coronavirus variant, detected in the Maribor area in a person who has returned from Africa. The Epidemiological Service traced all high-risk contacts and sent them into quarantine. The Minister also said that, as a …

South African coronavirus variant confirmed in Slovenia Read More »

Deputy Prime Ministers Počivalšek and Tonin also support an independent investigation of the media in Slovenia

Slovenian Deputy Prime Ministers Zdravko Počivalšek and Matej Tonin also expressed their support for an independent media investigation in Slovenia. “I second the call for action. If Brussels only has the (dis)information from one side, they cannot have a complete picture of the situation,” Počivalšek wrote, and Matej Tonin reminded everyone that “it is only …

Deputy Prime Ministers Počivalšek and Tonin also support an independent investigation of the media in Slovenia Read More »

MP Eva Irgl notes with sadness: The history of death threats is repeating itself

In her note entitled “Hate as a political method”, SDS MP Eva Irgl reminded of a text about hate speech she had written eight years ago, noting with sadness that “in all these years, even my efforts and warnings in this area, nothing has changed in the minds of many.” As she pointed out years ago, the …

MP Eva Irgl notes with sadness: The history of death threats is repeating itself Read More »

The general public needs to get to know the Slovenian media scene – it is time for an independent investigation!

“We do not need hostility and “war” in Slovenia. What we need is a responsible government, a constructive opposition and a plural and fair media landscape. Not one where the media from the right is described as the “factory of evil” and those from the opposite side are described, on a daily basis, as credible, …

The general public needs to get to know the Slovenian media scene – it is time for an independent investigation! Read More »

Slovenia is among the top 20 healthiest countries to live in

In addition to all of the other acknowledgements, Slovenia also received international recognition for being one of the healthiest countries in the world. While the country ranks 11th among the healthiest countries, Ljubljana ranks as high as 9th among the healthiest cities to live in. The web portal has put together a list of …

Slovenia is among the top 20 healthiest countries to live in Read More »

There is no longer any doubt as to who, by their example, is taking care of the deteriorating epidemiological situation

At the session regarding the decision of the no confidence vote against the government, Alenka Bratušek was very loud about the government’s fault for spreading infections. She claimed that no one could accuse her and her party of anything, but then in the following days she discredited this claim herself when she was caught without …

There is no longer any doubt as to who, by their example, is taking care of the deteriorating epidemiological situation Read More »

How the murdered Ivan Kramberger accurately predicted what will be happening 30 years later in Slovenia

Death threats have become a constant, both on Slovenian streets and in the parliament. The media is silent, the prosecution is winking at the truth, no one is taking action. But when Prime Minister Janez Janša innocently jokes, a wave of criticism pours on him from all sides. How did we get to this point, to …

How the murdered Ivan Kramberger accurately predicted what will be happening 30 years later in Slovenia Read More »

To Věra Jourová: What do you mean by “our” democracies? And which Slovenian journalists are intimidated?

Dear Věra Jourová, Vice-President of the European Commission and European Commissioner for Values ​​and Transparency, you recently mentioned Slovenia again in an online interview for the Presseclub Concordia, saying that critical journalists are allegedly intimidated. As reported by the 24ur portal (HERE), you also said: “When the media are in trouble, our democracies are also …

To Věra Jourová: What do you mean by “our” democracies? And which Slovenian journalists are intimidated? Read More »

Due to the successful work of the government, Slovenia is among the most successful countries in overcoming the crisis

In the third quarter of last year, Slovenia was among the countries in the European Union and the euro area that recovered the most, with the growth of as much as 12.4 percent. It is also among the countries where unemployment has risen the least during this health crisis, and the decline in our gross …

Due to the successful work of the government, Slovenia is among the most successful countries in overcoming the crisis Read More »

Consequences of the “tolerance,” advocated by Tanja Fajon, can be seen all over Slovenia: Death threats everywhere

Even though the left, and the SD party president Tanja Fajon in particular, are full of empty promises about dialogue, reassuring politics, unity and non-violence, it seems that they do not practice what they preach at all. Neither the politicians nor their followers. They do not find it problematic that, for example, the Prime Minister …

Consequences of the “tolerance,” advocated by Tanja Fajon, can be seen all over Slovenia: Death threats everywhere Read More »

Revolutionary violence in Notranjska between 1941 and 1945

“The blame for the crimes cannot be entirely attributed to the resistance movement as a whole, the responsibility for it lies with the Communist Party, which had a decisive influence on the military and other armed groups, and which already began to pave its way to power during the war,” said Mirjam Dujo Jurjevčič, author …

Revolutionary violence in Notranjska between 1941 and 1945 Read More »