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Robert Golob

The Uncensored Is Now Part Of The Official Authorities

On Wednesday, journalist Bojan Požar wrote that Prime Minister Robert Golob has already confirmed the information that Primož Cirman will become the new boss of the Siol web portal, which consequently means that the Prime Minister is also personally recruiting editors of media outlets that are owned by state-owned companies, in this case, the Telekom …

The Uncensored Is Now Part Of The Official Authorities Read More »

The Day Of The Long Knives: How One Of The Most Incestuous Stories Between The Media And The Golob Government Was Orchestrated

On Wednesday, we saw one of the most momentous days so far unfold, at least as far as the Golob government is concerned. The latter appointed a new director of the Government Communication Office, which has been headed by the notorious Dragan Barbutovski since the current government took office – the latter is mostly known …

The Day Of The Long Knives: How One Of The Most Incestuous Stories Between The Media And The Golob Government Was Orchestrated Read More »

More money in his account would do him no good – except that he would waste it on even more stupid things

“This is worth watching. What good would it be if you had more of your salary left over at the end of the month? He really said that. Before the elections. Make sure to watch the video again, and it will become perfectly clear to you where we are,” former Prime Minister Janez Janša commented …

More money in his account would do him no good – except that he would waste it on even more stupid things Read More »

Golob’s government is seriously threating Slovenia by tearing down the fence

Robert Golob’s government is removing the fence on the border with Croatia and will allocate 2.5 million euros for this. Andrej Rupnik, an expert on security issues, said in Odmevi show on Television Slovenia that such fences have been erected by many countries in Europe and the world since 2016. In Friday’s Odmevi show on …

Golob’s government is seriously threating Slovenia by tearing down the fence Read More »

The Italians Will Cut Taxes Because Of The Rising Prices, While Slovenian Prime Minister Golob Will Make Inflation Even Worse

While the Slovenian government is “putting out the fire with petrol,” planning a concrete pay rise for the public administration sector and preparing packages of solidarity to fight inflation, the Italian government is considering the possibility of reducing the value-added tax on bread and pasta to zero, and on meat and fish from 10 % …

The Italians Will Cut Taxes Because Of The Rising Prices, While Slovenian Prime Minister Golob Will Make Inflation Even Worse Read More »

Public opinion trends are decreasing for Golob’s government: the Pop TV poll also recorded a drop in support

The work of the current government two months after the election is supported by 51.4 percent of respondents, which is almost two percentage points less than a month ago, according to a July poll conducted by Mediana for POP TV. If the elections were held today, the Gibanje Svoboda party would have collected 27.8 percent …

Public opinion trends are decreasing for Golob’s government: the Pop TV poll also recorded a drop in support Read More »

Another Slip-Up On The International Stage: Are These The Representatives Of The Slovenian Government Or The Gen-I Company Energy Lobby?

Prime Minister Robert Golob’s visit to Berlin was marked by yet another slip-up on the international stage. Namely, Bojan Kumer, Minister of Infrastructure, had the Gen-I energy company briefcase with him on the trip. This is evident from a photograph taken at the moment when he shook hands with the German Chancellor. But let’s ignore …

Another Slip-Up On The International Stage: Are These The Representatives Of The Slovenian Government Or The Gen-I Company Energy Lobby? Read More »

The Media Bubble Has Burst: Public Opinion Polls Show a Sharp Drop in Support for the Golob Government

The artificially generated support that citizens showed for Robert Golob and his government in the pre-election and short post-election period has started to erode drastically. The rising prices that the government of Robert Golob is failing to address, his blatant authoritarian leadership of his own team and the country, the disgraceful moments on the international …

The Media Bubble Has Burst: Public Opinion Polls Show a Sharp Drop in Support for the Golob Government Read More »

By Announcing the Purchase of Wheat, Golob Also Caused an Increase in the Price of Wheat That Slovenia Might Buy From the Neighbouring Countries

In recent weeks, as part of the measures to address the high prices of raw materials and energy in the agricultural sector, the government decided, among other things, that the state is willing to buy this year’s entire wheat crop from Slovenian farmers. After the government meeting that was held two weeks ago, there was …

By Announcing the Purchase of Wheat, Golob Also Caused an Increase in the Price of Wheat That Slovenia Might Buy From the Neighbouring Countries Read More »

The incompetent Golob’s government will obviously wait so long and squeeze farmers with the price that Slovenian farmers will sell their wheat abroad

Prime Minister Robert Golob and Minister of Agriculture Irena Šinko announced at press conference that the state will buy this year’s entire wheat crop, causing real confusion. The government does not yet have a buyout strategy, and the price is not even known. The Zadružna zveza Slovenije already announced on Monday that the harvest will …

The incompetent Golob’s government will obviously wait so long and squeeze farmers with the price that Slovenian farmers will sell their wheat abroad Read More »

Golob’s Minister for Public Administration is acting stupid, the increase in the holiday allowance for the lowest paid in the public sector was wrapped in PR as a costly supplement

Instead of harmonising the value of the pay grades, the government offered a higher holiday allowance for civil servants up to the 24th pay grade during the negotiations with the public sector unions and wrapped it in a “one-off expensive bonus” in PR and does not want to hear anything about the pay grade adjustment. Prof. …

Golob’s Minister for Public Administration is acting stupid, the increase in the holiday allowance for the lowest paid in the public sector was wrapped in PR as a costly supplement Read More »

Get Ready: The USA Is on the Brink of Economic Collapse, and Golob’s Government Has Announced a War on Entrepreneurs

The American economy is on the brink of collapse. This is what the economists and the Republicans are predicting, and the Federal Reserve (FED) has also recently confirmed the ominous predictions. In fact, the only ones who still believe that the USA can avoid an economic disaster are the Democrats, who want to comfort their …

Get Ready: The USA Is on the Brink of Economic Collapse, and Golob’s Government Has Announced a War on Entrepreneurs Read More »