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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

Robert Golob

These are the people that Have Worked With Milović because of Golob

As we have managed to find out, the head of Golob’s private security service, Miloš Njegoslav Milović, has already built up a strong business network, thanks to the Prime Minister, and he now advises ministers and guardians of the state economy. The resignation of the Minister of the Interior, Tatjana Bobnar, has completely exposed the …

These are the people that Have Worked With Milović because of Golob Read More »

No More False Notions Of Pure And Fair Politics – The Public Demands Clarifications!

A few days have passed already since the explosive mess was revealed, in which the convicted Miloš Njegoslav Milović, Acting Director-General of the Police, Boštjan Lindav, and Minister of the Interior, Tatjana Bobnar, were involved. The affair has brought to light some truths that the mainstream media will probably successfully hide this time, but the …

No More False Notions Of Pure And Fair Politics – The Public Demands Clarifications! Read More »

Vesna Vuković – From “Independent” Journalist To Golob’s Sledgehammer

Until recently, Vesna Vuković was an “independent” journalist of the “” web portal (“Uncensored”), but with her move to the Freedom Movement party (Gibanje Svoboda), it has once again become clear how extremely biased journalists and media are in Slovenia, and how they are just an extension of the transitional left. The so-called presstitution – …

Vesna Vuković – From “Independent” Journalist To Golob’s Sledgehammer Read More »

The Prime Minister’s Behaviour Is Reprehensible

On Wednesday, the Ministry of the Interior sent the government explanations by Acting Director-General of the Police, Boštjan Lindav, and Minister of the Interior, Tatjana Bobnar, on political pressures on the work of the police. In her letter, Minister Bobnar announced that she would submit her resignation after returning to Slovenia from Brussels, and the …

The Prime Minister’s Behaviour Is Reprehensible Read More »

Slovenian Power Plants Holding Was Taken Over By Golob’s Best Man, And Two Months Later, We Are Already Recapitalising It With Half A Billion Euros!

Half a year of doom. A country renowned for its energy independence has apparently become, in the six months of socialist rule, a country where the state energy mastodons need to be recapitalised – in the total amount of almost half a billion euros. In October, a personal friend of Prime Minister Robert Golob, who …

Slovenian Power Plants Holding Was Taken Over By Golob’s Best Man, And Two Months Later, We Are Already Recapitalising It With Half A Billion Euros! Read More »

This Is How Golob Has Made Life Harder For Tenants: He Lowered Their Wages And Increased Their Rents At The Same Time

For all the concern that the government of Robert Golob expresses about the terrible situation in the property market, it actually does surprisingly little about it. On the contrary, it is actively making the market situation worse. The new Income Tax Act, adopted by the government last week, will actually increase rents by increasing the …

This Is How Golob Has Made Life Harder For Tenants: He Lowered Their Wages And Increased Their Rents At The Same Time Read More »

Orbanisation Is No Longer A Problem, And Golob Even Shielded Orban From Uncomfortable Questions

There is no end in sight for the hypocrisy of the left – it is their modus operandi. For the last two years, Slovenia has been hearing about the “Orbanisation” and the left’s incitement of the people against it, while not a single good word was said about the Hungarian Prime Minister. Of course, everything …

Orbanisation Is No Longer A Problem, And Golob Even Shielded Orban From Uncomfortable Questions Read More »

Coalition’s Unity Is Just An Illusion: The Left Party Boycotted The National Security Council; Fajon Was Also Absent

If we had followed only the dominant media, we would have gotten the impression that the meeting of the National Security Council happened without any big surprises and that Slovenia has a united view on the developments in Ukraine. This is what Prime Minister Robert Golob said, and this is what the regime media then …

Coalition’s Unity Is Just An Illusion: The Left Party Boycotted The National Security Council; Fajon Was Also Absent Read More »

Minister Of Health Threatened The Doctors’ Trade Union With An “All-Out War;” Prime Minister Golob Is Now Trying To Make Excuses For Him: “Emotions Took Over.”

On Tuesday, the trade union of doctors and dentists – FIDES, and the government representatives met for crucial negotiations on doctors’ salaries but failed to reach an agreement. Further actions will be decided shortly by the union’s leadership. Vice-President Gregor Zemljič has not ruled out the possibility of a strike. “We are shocked by the …

Minister Of Health Threatened The Doctors’ Trade Union With An “All-Out War;” Prime Minister Golob Is Now Trying To Make Excuses For Him: “Emotions Took Over.” Read More »

Following Golob’s Orders, Minister of Health Bešič Loredan Personally Threatened Doctors!

“Written proof from the Ministry of Health. Minister Danijel Bešič Loredan chillingly threatened doctors with the publication of their confidential personal data, because Golob ordered him to wage an all-out war,” investigative journalist Bojan Požar recently reported. The young infectious disease specialist, Federico D. Potočnik, confirmed the writing of investigative journalist Bojan Požar, writing: “As …

Following Golob’s Orders, Minister of Health Bešič Loredan Personally Threatened Doctors! Read More »

President Of European Parliament’s Largest Group, Weber, Condemns Golob’s Unacceptable Attempt To Subjugate The Public Media Outlet RTV

In light of the upcoming referendums on the 27th of November, where voters will also be deciding on the amendment to the Radio-Television Slovenia Act, Manfred Weber, President of the European People’s Party (EPP), has expressed his concern about the amendment to the Radio-Television Slovenia Act. He said in a statement that he finds it …

President Of European Parliament’s Largest Group, Weber, Condemns Golob’s Unacceptable Attempt To Subjugate The Public Media Outlet RTV Read More »

The Golob Government Is Already One Step Closer To Property Tax – Prime Minister Announced The Wealth Tax

“The six-and-a-half-year programme of projects, which cost around 21 million euros, 80 percent of which was funded by EU funds, included linking together extensive existing data and converting it into digital form. The web portal “eProstor” (“eSpace”) provides access to a range of data and services and allows users to follow certain administrative procedures,” said …

The Golob Government Is Already One Step Closer To Property Tax – Prime Minister Announced The Wealth Tax Read More »