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Jaša Jenull

A Well-Known Protester Against The Janša Government Is Leaving For A Well-Paid Post In Brussels

Trade unionist Teja Jarc has gotten lucky again – a job in one of Europe’s leading trade unions is on the cards for her, which includes more than excellent pay, although Jarc has not yet confirmed this information. The Slovenian public remembers her mainly as a protester during the term of the previous government, when …

A Well-Known Protester Against The Janša Government Is Leaving For A Well-Paid Post In Brussels Read More »

European Parliament Will Discuss The EU Funding Of The Civil Initiative Voice Of The People; The European Commission Will Also Have To Defend Itself

At a time when there is a lot of talk on the political floor of the European Union about the interference of foreign powers in the democratic processes of European countries, it is becoming clear in Slovenia that one of these foreign powers is the European Union itself. Namely, the European Union finances certain key …

European Parliament Will Discuss The EU Funding Of The Civil Initiative Voice Of The People; The European Commission Will Also Have To Defend Itself Read More »

Failure Before Jenull And Muki; Musar Was Repeatedly Booed

When presidential candidate Nataša Pirc Musar declared that Russia’s aggression against Ukraine was in clear violation of international law, there were shouts of opposition from the audience. The moderator of the discussion, Jaša Jenull, had to intervene, calm them down and remind them to be tolerant. On Tuesday, a pre-election debate of the candidates for …

Failure Before Jenull And Muki; Musar Was Repeatedly Booed Read More »

The Left Is Not Giving In – The Revolution Has Not Been This Close in a Long Time

The coronavirus pandemic has caused violent unrest all around the world. Dissatisfaction with the anti-corona measures also manifested in Slovenia, but here, the media and politics mixed it in with the general anti-government rhetoric, which slowly turned into tendencies to overthrow the current social system. What resulted from this is an explosive cocktail of toxic …

The Left Is Not Giving In – The Revolution Has Not Been This Close in a Long Time Read More »

Somebody Has to Pay More Than 1.2 Million Euros in Costs for Policing the Unregistered Rallies; the State Attorney’s Office Has Filed the First Lawsuit

As reported by the MMC web portal, the state attorney’s office has filed the first lawsuit against the alleged organiser of the protests that have been happening every Friday for more than a year and a half now. Namely, the organiser is supposed to be Jaša Jenull. The Ministry of the Interior and the police …

Somebody Has to Pay More Than 1.2 Million Euros in Costs for Policing the Unregistered Rallies; the State Attorney’s Office Has Filed the First Lawsuit Read More »

This Is What the Constitutional Arch Coalition and the Children of the Slovenian Judiciary Deem Appropriate

Despite the fact that the number of new infections with Covid-19 has started to decline in Slovenia, the situation in hospitals remains serious. Minister of Health Janez Poklukar pointed out on Wednesday that healthcare is still having trouble withstanding all the daily pressures of Covid-19, so he asked everyone to listen to healthcare professionals, to …

This Is What the Constitutional Arch Coalition and the Children of the Slovenian Judiciary Deem Appropriate Read More »