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They should be prosecuted: Rapper Zlatko and his pal harassed the director of NIJZ Milan Krek on the street!

“Could you please stop harassing me,” the director of the National Institute of Public Health, Milan Krek, asked the Fužine rapper Zlatan Čordić – Zlatko, who harassed Krek with the help of his pal, and tried to get answers to certain questions from him. They were also bombarding him with insults: “Look at those eyes, full of lies,” “Are you ashamed?” … And let’s not forget the fact that Zlatko has also verbally and physically attacked a Nova24TV cameraman in the past. We found out that Krek had already reported the incident to criminal investigators.

On Monday, the rapper and a well-known anti-government rioter Zlatan Čordić – Zlatko verbally attacked the director of the National Institute of Public Health (Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje – NIJZ), Milan Krek, in broad daylight, and followed him from Kotnikova to Trubarjeva street while also filming him, under the pretence of wanting to get certain answers from him.

“Where are you going, Milan?” “Look at those eyes, full of lies,” “Are you ashamed?” These were just some of the remarks with which Zlatko and his cameraman attacked Krek and demanded explanations from him. Krek remained calm and repeatedly asked them to stop harassing him, but they chased him from Kotnikova street, all the way to RTV, and did not give up, despite multiple warnings that they were invading his personal space and not maintaining the necessary safety distance, while also not wearing masks.

Zlatko has previously also verbally and physically attacked a Nova24TV cameraman
This was not the first case of Zlatko taking his anger out on others, in particular, those who do not share his political views. He recently attacked a Nova24TV cameraman and stole his camera, which our reporters already reported on. As is evident from the cameraman’s retelling of the event, this was a deliberate attack on an employee of our television station.

At the time, the director of Nova24TV Boris Tomašič, the editor-in-chief of Nova24TV Aleksander Rant, and the editor-in-chief of Demokracija, Jože Biščak, all responded to the news of the attack. However, the two cases mentioned above are not solitary examples of Zlatko’s unbridled aggression. Recently, he also took his anger out the famous accordion player on Prešeren Square, and also tried to ruin the national celebration on Congress Square in Ljubljana with his uncontrolled behaviour, on the evening before Statehood Day. And this man considers himself to be a cultural worker.

Domen Mezeg

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