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The First Public Prayer For Our Homeland And Peace On Earth Has Recently Taken Place In The Capital

On Friday, in the middle of Ljubljana, we witnessed scenes like those we are used to in Croatia and other traditionally Catholic countries, but not in Slovenia. The first public prayer of the Rosary took place in Congress Square, organised by the Catholic Youth (Katoliška mladina).

According to the newspaper Družina, about 200 people took part in the morning prayer for the homeland, for the faith of Slovenian youth, for a successful start of the academic year, and for peace in the world. Everyone was invited to the prayer, which was modelled on public prayers from abroad, but especially young men and boys, who, according to the organisers, are the first to be called to be “leaders and examples in spreading the faith.”

The mostly young people who came to pray sang the song Queen of the Rosary before the cross and the statue of Mary, and then they knelt down and “prayed the sorrowful part of the Rosary in peace, for a successful beginning of the academic year, for the homeland and the faith of the Slovenian youth.” They concluded with a prayer to the Archangel Michael and the song of the Thirteenth of May.

The prayers, which are to be held once a month, will be intended for several causes each time, the organisers of the event explained, according to the Slovenian Press Agency. The prayer for the homeland and the faith of Slovenian youth will be permanent, while two additional special intentions will be offered each time. On this occasion, they decided to pray for a successful start of the academic year and for peace in the world.

In their statements to the press, the participants in the public prayer mainly said that they did not see the event as a political expression, but as “a mutual support in prayer, which does not necessarily belong only in churches as consecrated spaces, but also in the public space.” They mainly emphasised the purposes of prayer, but saw the invitation to young men as “an additional incentive for them to come forward to pray”.

The prayer concluded without incident

After the prayer, some of those gathered also went to the Catholic Youth Centre, where the morning continued in a relaxed atmosphere with a warm cup of tea. The public prayer attracted the attention of passers-by. Some people watched the prayer, others took pictures of the prayers, and others even joined in the prayer briefly. No incidents were reported. “The attendance was higher than expected. I think that those who came, came with the right intention,” Dominik Ceglar of the Catholic Youth told the media outlet Aleteia.

N. Ž.

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