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MEP Grims On The Replacement Of Commissioner Candidate Vesel: “It Turned Out That The Freedom Movement Government Is Completely Spineless. They Gave Up In An Instant.”

“Unfortunately, it has once again turned out that the so-called ‘Freedom’ government is completely spineless. They gave up in an instant,” MEP Branko Grims, MSc, commented on the news that the former President of the Court of Audit, Tomaž Vesel, is suddenly no longer the Slovenian candidate for European Commissioner.

According to MEP Branko Grims, the most characteristic statement of Tomaž Vesel’s candidacy is certainly the one that only lasted for about 24 hours. At that time, the entire governing coalition declared vehemently that they absolutely insisted on supporting Mr Vesel, who had their undivided support, and that they would not debate the issue. “And then came a letter from the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in which she simply rejected his candidacy and demanded a female quota, which, by the way, is not her competence at all,” Grims pointed out, adding that it is up to the Member States to decide who they appoint as their commissioner candidate.

They made a fool of themselves and Slovenia

“Unfortunately, it has once again turned out that the so-called ‘Freedom’ government is completely spineless. They gave up in an instant. They have made a fool of themselves and of Slovenia in the eyes of the entire European public, because von der Leyen has already made similar attempts in some other countries, and nowhere else, with the exception of Bulgaria, have they listened to what she has asked of them,” the MEP pointed out.

Grims said that this is a clear indicator of how the Freedom Movement party (Gibanje svoboda), or rather the ruling coalition of Robert Golob, handles its staff. Not so long ago, they brought Mr Vesel to a picnic and announced that although they did not have any candidates for the European elections, they did have a European Commissioner. “They then insisted vehemently on his name and led the procedure for his appointment up until about three days ago, and then one letter, without any legal basis, via the powers of the President of the European Commission, was enough for Golob to simply get rid of Vesel,” MEP Grims pointed out.

Not fit for their roles

The leftists in power are, in Grims’s opinion, not fit for their roles. “First and foremost, they have embarrassed themselves, that is, Robert Golob embarrassed himself and his government, but unfortunately, they have also greatly embarrassed Slovenia in the international public, which is now seen as a kind of weak link that can be brushed aside by anyone who has five minutes of spare time,” he stressed, adding that it would probably take some time and determination to get rid of the bad impression in the international public.

“Even the selection now informally offered by Robert Golob is disastrous for Slovenia,” Grims said, because Tanja Fajon is “one of those people who lobbied in Brussels during the Janez Janša government against their own country Slovenia, so that it would not receive additional funds because the government was led by Janša and the Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS) at the time, i.e. because the government was led by a right-wing political option.” This, he noted, is totally unacceptable behaviour, a betrayal of one’s own homeland. “On the other hand, there has also been talk about Marta Kos, the ambassador who was the only one who raised money and then organised the transport of men from the LGBT ideology to the Pride parade in Berlin and even went there to officially greet them,” he recalled, adding that it should be borne in mind that, as ambassador, she was the official representative of Slovenia. Referring to the men who “were jumping on each other and wearing signs that read ‘Never Trump,’ and then Trump won the election a few months later,” he said, adding that it is not difficult to imagine how we were laughed at and ridiculed by the whole of the international community at the time and what an impression and damage such people make to our reputation in the international community.

“What is being offered is, in my opinion, unacceptable. If something like this – and I am afraid it will – is included in the European Commission, it will only confirm that nothing good can be counted on for Slovenia,” said Grims, who believes that such people are not up to the challenges that Europe will now face. “There will have to be a drastic turn away from cultural Marxism, a break with all the lies and insanity of the so-called green transition, a break with the imposition of LGBT ideology, especially on children, and, of course, there will have to be border protection and remigration, that is to say, to send all those who abuse the Slovenian and EU legal order back to where they came from,” he stressed, adding that these are challenging tasks, but they can be done, but we need the right, determined and decent people in the right places for it.

“What is happening with the candidacy for the European Commission is a disgrace,” said the SDS party leader Janez Janša after the Council meeting. He also stressed that “it is the sovereign right of a country to nominate someone to the European Commission whom it believes will do a good job there and also take care of Slovenia’s interests a little bit.” “This slap on the wrist of Slovenia is only possible in this situation, when we have a weak government,” Janša added, according to the Slovenian Press Agency (STA). MEP Romana Tomc was also critical of the situation, saying that Vesel’s withdrawal as a candidate for European Commissioner was a big slap on the wrist for the Prime Minister Robert Golob, whom the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, in the opinion of MEP Tomc, “clearly sees as the weakest link”. In relation to this, she also pointed out that Vesel “did not resign on his own, but ‘’was resigned’,” which she sees as a great shame for Slovenia.

Ž. N.

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