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DeSUS member in his letter to Erjavec: “I am ashamed!”

Our editorial office has received a letter from a member of the DeSUS party committee of Vrhnika. As Vid Drašček wrote in his letter, he is ashamed of the behaviour of the party president Karl Erjavec, who refused the invitation of the President Borut Pahor, who invited the presidents of all parties to a talk about how our country is dealing with the epidemic and Slovenia’s presidency of the Council of the European Union. Drašček believes that Erjavec should attend the meeting, as he is the candidate for the position of Prime Minister, nominated by the Constitutional Arch Coalition. He also believes that with his actions, Erjavec proved that he is rejecting the President of the Republic himself.

With his ambition and the assumption of the new-old role of the president of the DeSUS party, Karl Erjavec is increasingly dragging down his own party, not only losing support among his own MPs but also among the members of the party. While one of the deputies, Branko Simonovič, refused to sign the vote of no confidence of his own party, so as not to deny its previous achievements, Erjavec is also losing support among other members.

Our editorial board received a letter, written by a member of the Vrhnika DeSUS party committee, Vid Drašček. In his letter, he pointed out that Erjavec had resolutely refused to talk to President of the Republic, Borut Pahor. Drašček believes that Erjavec should be aware of what his role is and says that his actions were shameful. “I am ashamed of his behaviour, the people in Vrhnika are asking me what is going on in the DeSUS party. I do not support what the president Karl Erjavec is currently doing,” he said.

He further suggested to the DeSUS MPs that at least one of them should attend the talk with the President of the Republic, as Erjavec’s behaviour indicates a rejection of the President, who represents the Slovenian state and is also the Supreme Commander of its Defence Forces. “The President of the Republic is elected by the people in the direct, general and secret ballot. However, Karl did not even manage to get into the National Assembly at the elections, and now, I do not even want to say it…” he added.

We are publishing Drašček’s letter in its entirety below.

“Dear MPs and all other members of the DeSUS party!

A few days ago, the president of the DeSUS party, Karl Erjavec, firmly turned down the invitation to attend a talk with the President of the Republic Borut Pahor on dealing with the epidemic and on leading the European Union.

This was probably his own decision, and he probably did not have anyone’s support.

As the president of the party, he should know what the Office of the President of the Republic represents and what the President’s role is. It is all written in the Constitution, from article 102 to article 109.

I am ashamed of his behaviour, the people in Vrhnika are asking me what is going on in the DeSUS party. I do not support what the president Karl Erjavec is currently doing.

I would like to suggest to the DeSUS MPs that they attend the talk with the President of the Republic, as the behaviour of Karl Erjavec represents a direct rejection of the position of the President of the Republic, who represents the Slovenian state and is also the Supreme Commander of its Defence Forces. The President of the Republic is elected by the people in the direct, general and secret ballot. However, Karl did not even manage to get into the National Assembly at the elections, and now, I do not even want to say it…

For everyone’s consideration…

Vid Drašček

DeSUS Vrhnika”

 Sara Rančigaj

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