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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

Ethics Committee Strongly Opposes The Option Of Euthanasia

Members of the government’s Medical Ethics Committee unanimously oppose the proposal for a law on voluntary assisted dying, drafted by the Silver Thread Association for Ageing with Dignity (Društvo Srebrna nit). Members of the Committee believe that the bill brings with it a high ethical risk, according to an explanation of their position, sent to …

Ethics Committee Strongly Opposes The Option Of Euthanasia Read More »

NGOs Want To Use Taxpayers’ Money To Persecute Those Who Disagree With Them

The left-wing activists, gathered in the self-proclaimed Legal Network for the Protection of Democracy (Pravna mreža za varstvo demokracije), have filed a criminal complaint against, the weekly Demokracija, and several other media outlets. And money is not a problem for them, since the top four NGO budget spenders received 3.5 million euros from the …

NGOs Want To Use Taxpayers’ Money To Persecute Those Who Disagree With Them Read More »

Golob Set Up A Kindergarten To Take Care Of His Children And Funded It With Money From A State-Owned Company

Robert Golob set up a kindergarten in order to provide child care for his children with money from the state-owned company, but after Istrabenz stopped financing the kindergarten, it could not operate anymore, and all the kindergarten’s equipment was donated to the private company of Golob’s wife, Jana Nemec Golob. Last year, the media outlet …

Golob Set Up A Kindergarten To Take Care Of His Children And Funded It With Money From A State-Owned Company Read More »

Golob’s Security Guard Milović Had As Many As Seven Contracts With Gen-I!

“Milović, about whom the former Slovenian police chief Lindav revealed that he sat in on all of the meetings about the protection of Prime Minister Golob, even though he was not authorised to do so, is, therefore, a long-time mercenary of Golob. The Prime Minister’s explanations that Milović was giving free advice were, therefore, a …

Golob’s Security Guard Milović Had As Many As Seven Contracts With Gen-I! Read More »

The National Media Outlet RTV Censored Možina’s Piece

They say that the right, or more specifically Janez Janša, has hijacked the national media outlet Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV). However, given that Thursday’s central daily news show censored the contribution of the journalist and historian Jože Možina, who is considered to be a particular thorn in the side of the left, because he is among …

The National Media Outlet RTV Censored Možina’s Piece Read More »

The 8th Of March Institute Has Disappeared After A Heavy Fine For Breaking The Law!

Since the notice could not be served to the offender at their address at Glinškova ploščad 9, the Court of Audit informed the 8th of March Institute (Inštitut 8. marec) of the offence of financing a referendum campaign from unauthorised sources by publishing a public notice on its website about a week ago. The parcel …

The 8th Of March Institute Has Disappeared After A Heavy Fine For Breaking The Law! Read More »

Two Members Of The Investigative Commission Have Been Criminally Charged!

The publishing house “Nova Obzorja” (“New Horizons”) has filed a motion for an inspection of the work of Mojca Šetinc Pašek and Lenart Žavbi with the Information Commissioner, and a criminal charge with the Ljubljana District Court, on suspicion of attempted misuse of personal data and the suspicion of the criminal offence of treason and …

Two Members Of The Investigative Commission Have Been Criminally Charged! Read More »

Farmers, Christians And Entrepreneurs Are Still The Class Enemies

“Without a farmer, there is no food!”; “Against restrictions on our own land”; “Let the beasts roam your backyards, not our pastures”; “Have you eaten today? Thank us”; “We will not be servants on our own land”; read just some of the banners seen at one of the biggest protests in the history of our …

Farmers, Christians And Entrepreneurs Are Still The Class Enemies Read More »

The Left Celebrated The Start Of The Anti-Imperialist Front Against The USA, France And Britain

On Thursday, Slovenian international socialists celebrated the fact that, by an accidental turn of events in history, they unexpectedly found themselves among the winners of the Second World War, even though, at the start of the war, they were among the losers. Namely, the 27th of April is celebrated nationally as “The Day of Uprising …

The Left Celebrated The Start Of The Anti-Imperialist Front Against The USA, France And Britain Read More »

After Her Scandalous Visit To The Constitutional Court, Commissioner Jourová Has Become A Bit More Cautious

Following her scandalous visit to the Constitutional Court while the Court was in the process of deciding on the Radio-Television Slovenia Act, and following the allegations of her pressuring the Court, European Commissioner Věra Jourová has become a bit more cautious. In an interview with the Slovenian Press Agency (STA), she refused to comment on …

After Her Scandalous Visit To The Constitutional Court, Commissioner Jourová Has Become A Bit More Cautious Read More »

NGO Representative Wants To Ban Janša, Rupar And Primc From Appearing On National Television

Some people in our country desperately miss the old days, when those who were not liked or who were critical of the authorities were banned from appearing in the public media, lest anyone think that we were not doing as well as the ruling regime said. Among those who still feel this way is also …

NGO Representative Wants To Ban Janša, Rupar And Primc From Appearing On National Television Read More »