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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

The Freedom Movement’s Definition Of Media Freedom: Intimidating Calls From The Party To The Editorial Board

Robert Golob understands that the only way to his re-election is the complete Putinisation of the Slovenian media. He succeeded in doing this with Siol by replacing its editor; he also successfully “depoliticised” the national media outlet Radio-Television Slovenia with the help of Constitutional Court judges, and Odlazek’s extensive media network and the largest commercial …

The Freedom Movement’s Definition Of Media Freedom: Intimidating Calls From The Party To The Editorial Board Read More »

Janez Janša: With Such A Decline, The Chancellor In Germany Would Resign The Next Day

“This year, the government has not visited a single Slovenian region, while our government visited all Slovenian regions at least twice in two years, despite the pandemic,” Janez Janša pointed out one of the key differences between the Golob government and his own time in office. In addition, he also pointed out that if the …

Janez Janša: With Such A Decline, The Chancellor In Germany Would Resign The Next Day Read More »

A Somalian And A Nigerian Raped A Young Girl In Ljubljana In Broad Daylight!

It happened in broad daylight, on the 13th of May this year, at the infamous Metelkova Street in the centre of Ljubljana: a 23-year-old Somali national and a 45-year-old Nigerian national allegedly followed a young girl into a toilet on Metelkova, broke in and raped her. The police have recently confirmed our unofficial information. “Regarding …

A Somalian And A Nigerian Raped A Young Girl In Ljubljana In Broad Daylight! Read More »

The Singer Who Opposed Slovenia’s Independence Will Perform At The Statehood Day Celebration

In a few days, Slovenia will celebrate Statehood Day – a day marked by a national celebration, three decades after the results of the historic referendum, where we decided to become an independent state, were announced. As a rule, we should mark this important day with the best that Slovenia has to offer, including in …

The Singer Who Opposed Slovenia’s Independence Will Perform At The Statehood Day Celebration Read More »

The Government Will Not Attend The Holy Mass For The Homeland

Whether someone believes in God or not is their personal decision. However, the decision to skip the Holy Mass for the Homeland by those in power, while at the same time worshipping the remnants of international socialism, shows a rejection of the Christian tradition, which is one of the pillars of Western civilisation. Worse still, …

The Government Will Not Attend The Holy Mass For The Homeland Read More »

The Coalition Has Rejected The SDS Party’s Proposal To Extend VAT Reduction On Energy Sources

The Committee on Finance of the National Assembly has rejected a proposal by the Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS) to extend the reduction in the value-added tax on certain energy products. The nine-month period during which VAT on the supply of electricity, natural gas, firewood and district heating was reduced to 9.5 …

The Coalition Has Rejected The SDS Party’s Proposal To Extend VAT Reduction On Energy Sources Read More »

Slovenia Has The Biggest Monthly Drop In Industrial Production

In April, industrial production in the euro area strengthened by 1 percent month-on-month, and by 0.7 percent in the European Union as a whole, the European statistical office Eurostat recently announced. Meanwhile, Slovenia recorded the biggest month-on-month fall in industrial production, as it is down by 7.9 percent. Under the government of Robert Golob, there …

Slovenia Has The Biggest Monthly Drop In Industrial Production Read More »

More Than 400 Illegal Migrants Were Detained Over The Weekend

Over the past weekend, Slovenian police officers dealt with more than 400 illegal migrants that were detained. While the Slovenian government is accepting the Brussels quotas for illegal migrants and tearing down the fence at the southern border, illegal migration is increasing at an unstoppable pace. This weekend, more than 400 migrants were processed, 368 …

More Than 400 Illegal Migrants Were Detained Over The Weekend Read More »

We Are Now Also Facing Higher Care Fees In Homes For The Elderly

When the salaries of employees in homes for the elderly across Slovenia were increased during the previous Janša government, this caused quite a stir in the media, because they believed this posed a risk of an increase in care fees for the residents. However, their concern at the time was unnecessary, as this did not …

We Are Now Also Facing Higher Care Fees In Homes For The Elderly Read More »

Three European Groups Are Outraged By Developments In Slovenia

Several Members of the European Parliament, including Slovenian MEP Romana Tomc, have issued statements criticising the Golob government’s revival of communism. Members of three European Parliament groups (ReNew, European People’s Party – EPP, and European Conservatives and Reformists Party – ECR) are outraged by what is happening in Slovenia. Although the proposal to discuss the …

Three European Groups Are Outraged By Developments In Slovenia Read More »

The Italian Media Are Looking Into Čeferin’s Qualifications

On Friday, the 2nd of September 2016, the FIFA Audit Board confirmed that all three then-candidates for UEFA President fit the criteria for the candidacy. Aleksander Čeferin, Michael van Praag and Ángel María Villar Llona were in the running for the prestigious post. Of the three candidates, only Čeferin is likely to have been proven …

The Italian Media Are Looking Into Čeferin’s Qualifications Read More »

The Golob Government’s State Secretary Faces Corruption Accusations

According to the media outlet Reporter, Tina Seršen, the State Secretary at the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy, has been involved in the drafting of legislation giving her brother-in-law Mark Seršen’s company the exclusive right to install solar panels on balconies. State Secretary Tina Seršen is known by many for her bizarre statements …

The Golob Government’s State Secretary Faces Corruption Accusations Read More »