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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

Exactly 20 years ago, there was an assassination attempt on the then Večer journalist Miro Petek. This has so far been the only real violence against journalists in Slovenia

Tonight marks 20 years since the attack on the then Večer journalist Miro Petek. The Slovenian (left) media mainstream accuses the center-right government of curtailing journalistic freedom, attacking journalists, and endangering their lives. They inform the international public and organisations about this, although none of it is true, as everyone is guaranteed freedom of expression, …

Exactly 20 years ago, there was an assassination attempt on the then Večer journalist Miro Petek. This has so far been the only real violence against journalists in Slovenia Read More »

Who is Afraid of the Truth from Brussels? The Transitional Media are Already Upset Because of the Independent Investigation

“Brussels’ interference can be a double-edged sword. The success of the European intervention is questionable, especially if it would foster the feeling in Slovenian politics that the EU is not part of the solution, but part of the problem,” the “independent” and “transparent” newspaper Delo (work) wrote on Sunday, as they are worried about various …

Who is Afraid of the Truth from Brussels? The Transitional Media are Already Upset Because of the Independent Investigation Read More »

Zgaga is Desperately Inciting a Violent Change of the Constitutional Order: He Wants to Make High Schoolers Part of the Anti-Government Guerrilla Fight!

“It is high time for Slovenian high schoolers to start writing graffiti everywhere, in public and non-public places, that say: LIBERATION FRONT 2.0, and then live in accordance with this, too! The clerical fascism of the corrupt Janez Janša, with the support of the Catholic Church, is trying to deprive them of their personal, professional …

Zgaga is Desperately Inciting a Violent Change of the Constitutional Order: He Wants to Make High Schoolers Part of the Anti-Government Guerrilla Fight! Read More »

Is this the end of threats going unpunished? The first conviction of a violent person who threatened to kill Prime Minister Janša!

“With the judgement of the District Judge Vlasta Lajlar in the criminal case against the accused Luka Štitić for the criminal offence of threatening, under the first paragraph of Article 135 of the Criminal Code (Kazenski zakonik – KZ-1), following the indictment by the District Court in Celje (…) on the 18th of January  (…), …

Is this the end of threats going unpunished? The first conviction of a violent person who threatened to kill Prime Minister Janša! Read More »

South African coronavirus variant confirmed in Slovenia

At Friday’s press conference, Minister of Health Janez Poklukar said that Slovenia has confirmed the first case of the South African coronavirus variant, detected in the Maribor area in a person who has returned from Africa. The Epidemiological Service traced all high-risk contacts and sent them into quarantine. The Minister also said that, as a …

South African coronavirus variant confirmed in Slovenia Read More »

Large-scale investigation underway into people smuggling

Illegal immigrants arriving from along the Balkan route were being assisted by a self-purported volunteer aide association which is now under investigation as part of a large-scale crack-down in Italy. The Trieste prosecutor’s office has initiated proceedings against the alleged volunteer association for aiding and abetting illegal immigration. The Trieste-based Linea d’Ombra Association was founded …

Large-scale investigation underway into people smuggling Read More »

Tanja Fajon: Expelling members, journalists, the Prime Minister, the government – will Slovenian citizens be next?

On Friday, two positive and one negative event happened. In the morning, we found out that the Prime Minister had sent a letter to the President of the European Commission, Ursula van der Leyen, in which he presented the actual state of the media landscape in Slovenia. Janša called on the European Commission to send …

Tanja Fajon: Expelling members, journalists, the Prime Minister, the government – will Slovenian citizens be next? Read More »

The fear of the truth is big: KUL changed their minds regarding the monitoring of the media in Slovenia

The opposition parties SD, LMŠ and Levica clearly felt the need to immediately respond to the letter that the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, sent to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. He invited her to check the state of democracy and media freedom in Slovenia with …

The fear of the truth is big: KUL changed their minds regarding the monitoring of the media in Slovenia Read More »

The economic climate in Slovenia is strengthening, and the decline in GDP was lower than expected

Last year, due to the coronavirus epidemic, the economic climate fell sharply. The general climate started to recover slowly when some of the activities reopened but slightly fell again in autumn due to the renewed restrictive measures. However, regardless of the restrictive measures that have been in place for the past couple of months, the …

The economic climate in Slovenia is strengthening, and the decline in GDP was lower than expected Read More »

Dr. Rončević on the Politico article: “I would not even call this journalistic work; this is activism and political agitation”

The day after the failed vote of no confidence, an article by the journalist of the Politico media outlet, Lili Bayer, was published. Since she described the journalistic landscape in a country that is a member state of the European Union as oppressed and stated that Prime Minister Janez Janša is the person who is …

Dr. Rončević on the Politico article: “I would not even call this journalistic work; this is activism and political agitation” Read More »

Another web portal will join the mainstream media and its shared mindset – the N1 Slovenia: This is a project by the Serbian billionaire Dragan Šolak, with Soros as the patron in the background!

A foreign patron will soon take care of strengthening the left-wing media unanimity in our country. This man is the Serbian telecommunications and media mogul Dragan Šolak, the owner of the N1 television network, established in the Balkans, who is planning to launch an ambitious project of the N1 Slovenia news site in the spring, …

Another web portal will join the mainstream media and its shared mindset – the N1 Slovenia: This is a project by the Serbian billionaire Dragan Šolak, with Soros as the patron in the background! Read More »