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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

PM Orban: Fidesz leaves European People’s Party

MEPs of Hungary’s ruling Fidesz party are leaving the European People’s Party (EPP) after the EPP adopted an amendment to its basic rules of precudure at today’s meeting. In a letter to EPP group leader Manfred Weber, Viktor Orban wrote it was “disappointing” to see that while hundreds of thousands of Europeans are hospitalised, the …

PM Orban: Fidesz leaves European People’s Party Read More »

Serbian Kurir on Čeferin: “Balkan Mafia! UEFA President’s Friendship With Kokeza Could Cost him his Position!”

The news of the connection between the UEFA president Aleksander Čeferin and the president of the Football Association of Serbia, Slaviša Kokeza, has caused quite a stir in the Serbian media. In Serbia, where the local police work hard to expose the crimes of the mafia and arrest its members, a news item found its …

Serbian Kurir on Čeferin: “Balkan Mafia! UEFA President’s Friendship With Kokeza Could Cost him his Position!” Read More »

How Lawyer and Constitutional Court Judge Rok Čeferin Blocked a Lawyer Candidate Twice – and Added Another Black Spot to the Court’s Reputation

According to Požareport, the Constitutional Court Judge Rok Čeferin, in his role of a rapporteur, proposed to the members of the Senate Špelca Mežnar and Matej Accetto, to dismiss the appeal of Peter Kodrič, who appealed to the Constitutional Court because the Supervisory Board of the Bar Association of Slovenia rejected his application to become …

How Lawyer and Constitutional Court Judge Rok Čeferin Blocked a Lawyer Candidate Twice – and Added Another Black Spot to the Court’s Reputation Read More »

Ahead of the EU Presidency and in the Context of the Rule of Law Debate, it is Important to Bring Attention to the Tragic Crimes of the Totalitarian Regimes

Millions of victims were persecuted, tortured, imprisoned and killed under the totalitarian and authoritarian regimes of the twentieth-century Europe. The main goal of the European integration process is to ensure that fundamental rights and the rule of law are respected. Since it is well-known that misinterpretations of history can contribute to the promotion of policies …

Ahead of the EU Presidency and in the Context of the Rule of Law Debate, it is Important to Bring Attention to the Tragic Crimes of the Totalitarian Regimes Read More »

Prime Minister Janez Janša and Minister of Culture Vasko Simoniti are happy to accept the invitation in connection with the debate on the rule of law in Slovenia

Sophie In ‘t Veld (Renew / D66), who heads the Group for Monitoring Respect for Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights within the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Rights, Justice and Home Affairs, has sent an invitation letter to the Prime Minister Janez Janša and Minister of Culture Vasko Simoniti for in camera …

Prime Minister Janez Janša and Minister of Culture Vasko Simoniti are happy to accept the invitation in connection with the debate on the rule of law in Slovenia Read More »

Five Years Ago, Nova24TV Started Broadcasting: The Most Transparent and Valuable Media Project in the History of the Country

Five years have already passed since the establishment of Nova24TV, which provoked a strong response from the public and also shook up the media scene. Nova24TV was primarily created as a response to the media, which should be neutral but are not, and also do not hide their support for left-wing politics. After five years …

Five Years Ago, Nova24TV Started Broadcasting: The Most Transparent and Valuable Media Project in the History of the Country Read More »

Government plans to set up 61 vaccination centres in Slovenia

The government adopted a revised vaccination strategy on Monday, envisaging 61 vaccination centres, including 13 in hospitals. Presenting the changes, Health Minister Janez Poklukar said on Tuesday priority groups remain the same, with health workers in top tier, followed by people over 80, 75 and 70, and then vulnerable patients with chronic conditions. Next come …

Government plans to set up 61 vaccination centres in Slovenia Read More »

Anonymous letter from STA employees: Director Veselinovič paid high bonuses to himself and his chosen ones, otherwise he has an authoritarian rule!

An anonymous letter from the Slovenian Press Agency (STA) reveals that director Bojan Veselinović has an authoritarian ruling style, pays himself and his chosen ones rich rewards for “work performance”, and most employees are afraid of him because he is “self-interested, insidious, and vindictive”. “However, he has a good support, as more than half of STA …

Anonymous letter from STA employees: Director Veselinovič paid high bonuses to himself and his chosen ones, otherwise he has an authoritarian rule! Read More »

Former SD PR Representative Jeretič Revealed that Journalists Called the Party Before the 2008 Elections and Asked What They Could do to Bring Down Janša!

Last week during the TV show Faktor on TV3, the political marketing consultant Sebastjan Jeretič said something very interesting about the “independence” of the Slovenian media. He revealed that before the 2008 parliamentary elections, when it was becoming clear that the SDS party might win the elections, the journalists got involved and started asking members …

Former SD PR Representative Jeretič Revealed that Journalists Called the Party Before the 2008 Elections and Asked What They Could do to Bring Down Janša! Read More »

Prime Minister Janša to Bratušek: You Borrowed Expensively and were Saving the Tycoon Banks, but now, the State is Borrowing Cheaply, and the Money is Going Directly to the People!

“You borrowed at an interest rate of 5 to 7 percent, and you did not want to accept cheap money from the European bank resolution mechanism. You put the weight of all the money you borrowed for the rehabilitation of the banks on the shoulders of Slovenian taxpayers and future generations,” Prime Minister Janez Janša …

Prime Minister Janša to Bratušek: You Borrowed Expensively and were Saving the Tycoon Banks, but now, the State is Borrowing Cheaply, and the Money is Going Directly to the People! Read More »

C5 ministers discuss Slovenia’s EU presidency, pandemic

Foreign Minister Anže Logar hosted his counterparts from Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia to discuss Slovenia’s upcoming EU presidency and the coronavirus pandemic. “The meeting was a great opportunity to present our views and priorities for the presidency so as to harmonise key issues that will be on the EU’s agenda within the …

C5 ministers discuss Slovenia’s EU presidency, pandemic Read More »