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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

Slovenia logs 48 new coronavirus infections for Monday

Out of 1,695 PCR tests performed in Slovenia on Monday, 48 returned positive, according to the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ). The 7-day average of new cases and the 14-day incidence per 100,000 residents stand at 26 and 18, respectively. Hospitals are still treating 59 Covid-19 patients, one more than yesterday, including 15 in …

Slovenia logs 48 new coronavirus infections for Monday Read More »

Prime Minister Janša: We hope that in the next six months we will see a transition from dealing with the crisis and its consequences to focusing on strategic priorities

Yesterday in the European Parliament, Prime Minister Janez Janša presented the six-month programme and the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2021. The presentation of priorities is customary and takes place at the start of every presidency of the Council of the European Union. …

Prime Minister Janša: We hope that in the next six months we will see a transition from dealing with the crisis and its consequences to focusing on strategic priorities Read More »

Easing of restrictions likely on hold as fears mount over delta-driven new wave

Health Minister Janez Poklukar indicated Slovenia would put any further easing of restrictions on hold over concerns that the delta variant of the novel coronavirus could lead to a renewed surge in infections. Slovenia is entering a period when the easing of restrictions will likely stop and emphasis will be placed on implementation of the …

Easing of restrictions likely on hold as fears mount over delta-driven new wave Read More »

Commissioner Lenarčič Has Still Not Answered Our Questions or Explained Why He Supported the Proposal That Would Delay the Approval of Slovenia’s Recovery Plan!

On Sunday, we exclusively reported that the Slovenian Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, had previously joined the appeal for conditioning the approval of the Slovenian recovery plan, worth 2.5 billion euros, in an attempt to harm his own homeland. When the news about this was made public, Tina Štrafela, who is in charge of …

Commissioner Lenarčič Has Still Not Answered Our Questions or Explained Why He Supported the Proposal That Would Delay the Approval of Slovenia’s Recovery Plan! Read More »

The Unemployment Rate Even Lower in June! Economist Masten: Low Unemployment Is the Result of Lifted Restrictions and Government Incentives!

The lifting of restrictions and the intervention measures to preserve jobs have largely contributed to the reduction of unemployment, which also fell in June. Namely, in June, 71,094 people were registered as unemployed with the Employment Service, which is 5.4 percent less than a month earlier. In the last month, the professions that were hired …

The Unemployment Rate Even Lower in June! Economist Masten: Low Unemployment Is the Result of Lifted Restrictions and Government Incentives! Read More »

Life in Slovenia Is Significantly Better Today Than It Was 30 Years Ago

This year, Slovenia is celebrating 30 years of being an independent, sovereign state, and the lives of Slovenian citizens are much better today than they were 30 years ago. The life expectancy of citizens is increasing. In 1991, Slovenia had 1,998,912 citizens, and at the beginning of 2021, it had 2.108.977 citizens, which is 110,065 …

Life in Slovenia Is Significantly Better Today Than It Was 30 Years Ago Read More »

Prime minister Janez Janša: 70% Vaccination Rate Needed to Avoid Autumn Lockdown

Prime Minister Janez Janša has called for joint efforts to convince people to get vaccinated against coronavirus as he warned that a vaccination rate of 70% would have to be achieved until the end of the summer if Slovenia is to avoid new lockdowns. “If we do not achieve a vaccination rate of 70% by …

Prime minister Janez Janša: 70% Vaccination Rate Needed to Avoid Autumn Lockdown Read More »

The Minister of Defence presents defence and security sector priorities of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU

At the webinar organized by the Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations in Belgium, Minister of Defence Matej Tonin, MSc, presented the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council in the defence and security sector. The webinar was moderated by Dr Sven Biscop, expert in the field of the EU’s Common Security and …

The Minister of Defence presents defence and security sector priorities of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU Read More »

Slovenia: More restrictions on services lifted

More restrictions on the services sector have been lifted. Casinos fully reopened today and there are no more restrictions on the number of customers in shops. The rule of reconvalescence, testing or vaccination remains in place indoors. Customers, including in shops, who can prove they have been vaccinated, tested or have recently recovered from Covid-19 …

Slovenia: More restrictions on services lifted Read More »

There are more and more arguments that the campaign against the amendment to the Water Act is led from one center – and a lot of non-governmental organisations are also participating!

Anti-government propaganda is only intensifying before the referendum on the law amending the water law. Activist actors play on the audience’s sentiment in their recordings – they obviously have no real arguments, and the majority media are insanely reporting on the alleged lies that the government coalition is supposed to spread with its leaflet. However, there …

There are more and more arguments that the campaign against the amendment to the Water Act is led from one center – and a lot of non-governmental organisations are also participating! Read More »

Mark Rutte financed radical armed groups in Syria

Between 2015 and 2018 the Dutch government led by Mark Rutte sponsored a number of jihadists and organisations that violate people’s fundamental human rights. When the financing problems surfaced, the prime minister began to mount obstacles to the investigation which, as a result, could only be launched in 2021, instead of 2018. Dutch PM Mark …

Mark Rutte financed radical armed groups in Syria Read More »