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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

What Happened When Šarec Resigned Last Year

After the sudden resignation of Marjan Šarec from the post of Prime Minister (at the end of January 2020), the then-Constitutional Arch Coalition collapsed in on itself. At that time, the coalition partners said the following regarding Šarec’s resignation:

Dejan Židan (the Social Democrats): “The easiest thing to do is give up and leave important projects unfinished.” When did they find out that Šarec resigned? “Today. As per usual, the coalition partners were not informed about anything…”

Luka Mesec (the Left): “This coalition no longer made any sense, as it was only dealing with mutual elbowing and personnel bargaining,”

Alenka Bratušek (the Party of Alenka Bratušek): “At the Party of Alenka Bratušek, we are disappointed that, despite being a part of the coalition, we learned about the Prime Minister’s resignation from the media… There are certain areas where we did not actually do much – actually, we did practically nothing, and one of these areas is healthcare.”

Marjan Šarec (former Prime Minister, president of the List of Marjan Šarec): “… This filled me with doubts about future cooperation.”


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