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The Viewers’ Responses: Radio-Television Slovenia Is a Body of the Left-Wing Political Option!

“The show Studio City, as it once was, will no longer exist. The fight for integrity and independence on Radio-Television Slovenia continues,” is the title of a highlighted article on the public RTV Slovenia’s web portal, with which the supporters of the host of the show in question, Marcel Štefančič, want to convince people that Štefančič, who had previously threatened those who think differently from him with the words “There are fucking more of us than there are them!” deserves a lifelong term as the host of the show Studio City.

The recently announced news that Studio City was returning to television screens without its host, Marcel Štefančič, caused an uproar at the “objective” public RTV Slovenia. At the press conference that was organised for Štefančič’s leaving, we heard slogans of journalistic and civil society activists that sounded like: “Today, we are all Studio City, today, I am also Marcel.” However, when Štefančič threatened those who think differently from him, there was, of course, no concern expressed over it. So much for “the same” standards for everyone.

“The management of RTV Slovenia does not want to renew my contract, allegedly because of my inappropriate behaviour. Now let me tell you what is actually inappropriate. It is inappropriate that they cancelled the show Politično (Political) with Tanja Gobec. What is inappropriate is that they cancelled the show Globus (Globe). What is really inappropriate is that they cancelled the show Točka preloma (Breaking point) with Janja Koren. What is really inappropriate is that they are humiliating and insulting the intelligence of this famous media house. What is really inappropriate is that they shut down the show Studio City for two months. What is really inappropriate is that they ignored more than 40,000 signatures for the immediate return of the show. What is really inappropriate is that the editor-in-chief is not responding to the e-mails of the editors of the Studio City show,” said Štefančič, who wants to continue being the host of the show Studio City, to show his dissatisfaction with the situation. However, according to recent information, it will be journalist Vida Petrovič who will take over the host position on the show. She is a TV show host with many years of experience, but she is not as biased as Štefančič.

RTV is a body of the left-wing political option
“Marcel will stay, and they will leave,” said Pavel Gantar, a former LDS MP, in response to what is happening to Štefančič. Apparently, Gantar really wants journalists such as Igor Pirkovič and Jože Možina to bid farewell to the public RTV Slovenia. Former Minister and intellectual Dr Žiga Turk commented on Gantar’s statement, saying that it only confirms that RTV is not, in fact, a public institution and it is not pluralistic, but rather, that it is a body that belongs to only one political option. “Because if it weren’t, there would not be so much drama simply because of one politically biased show.” Turk also pointed out that it is an objective fact that a large part of Slovenian citizens does not perceive RTV as their own, which means that RTV is not fulfilling the mission of a public radio-television station. “Namely, this mission is not to push progressive ideas into people’s throats or to promote parties that are ‘on the right side of history.’ Nor is it part of the mission there to allow employees to do what they want, which is what they call independence,” he was critical.

Below, you can read some responses to the situation from RTV viewers who commented on what is going on on Twitter:

“So, for the show Studio City and Marcel Štefančič, we should follow the principle of ‘no limitation of the term of office,’ or what? Do some people also have the rank of the marshal on RTV? Nothing is eternal, and therefore, nobody can be eternal either. It is simply not hygienic,” wrote the user Uroš Minodraš. Meanwhile, Edvard Kadič mockingly wrote: “There are no rules; this is about our fucking people.” Another user commented that it is time for these people to buy hearing aids. “No one is going to shut down Studio City. However, RTV Slovenia has finally shown the door to someone who threatened journalists who think differently from him – on a PUBLIC television station. Štefančič should therefore threaten on private TV stations, but the public media outlet is not his property.” Rajko Javornik said, “You have completely lost your way, advocating for a host and a TV show that is openly campaigning for only one political party while using up public money. The show is needed but should have more than just one host, with different worldviews.” Another user wondered whether Štegančič has a lifelong term for making threats in light of everything that is happening, and another said that the terminology of Mr Štefančič itself should make it clear that he should no longer have a place on public RTV, but that apparently, it is not clear to some that his contract has ended. Other people also remembered Štefančič’s threats: “Mr Marcel, with threats like this one – ‘There are fucking more of us than there are them, and we know exactly who they are!’ – the only place you belong to is the dump, and we will no longer be forced to pay for you with the all-Slovenian RTV contribution!”
Peter Hrastelj said that “Years ago, I was suddenly left without a contract with Thermana. And a colleague was left without a contract with Radenska. Oh, and Han was left without a contract with the Brewery. I got a bit carried away; what was it that you were trying to say?” in response to a tweet in which the author wrote that Marcel was suddenly left without a contract when it actually ended. Dušan Polanc also commented on the peculiarity of Štefančič’s contract, writing the following: “The mere fact that an independent entrepreneur’s contract is automatically renewed, and for something that is being financed from the taxpayers’ pockets, tells us all about the shady business that the institution of the left-wing mafia can afford to engage in.”
Another user wrote the following: “Judge Masleša’s degree, the elected Prime Minister Golob’s income tax return and his bank accounts in Romania, commissions in Bosnia and Herzegovina – RTV and the largest commercial television station POP TV did not report on any of this. However, when it comes to the show Studio City, this is a loud topic that shakes up the very existence of RTV. That is how it is when it comes to “our” people. Can you feel the freedom yet?” Marina Volk wrote that she cannot believe what drama is being caused because of Štefančič, whose contract has ended, and wondered if RTV is this engaged with every employee whose contract ends.

Sara Kovač

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