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The Saving of Odlazek’s Empire Has Begun, The Constitutional Court Is Coming to the Rescue

“Therefore, it is even more important that the initiative to review the constitutionality of Vizjak’s law was submitted by the company Interseroh, and not, for example, Odlazek’s company Recikel. Thus, they achieved at least two things: they hid ties between the interest groups related to the Čeferin family of lawyers, which is extremely important since Rok Čeferin is the Vice-President of the Constitutional Court, and two, they managed to hide the fact that repealing Vizjak’s environmental law benefits Odlazek, which would damage the public image of the related political actors, including Robert Golob, who has now been elected to the position of Prime Minister,” wrote journalist Bojan Požar, noting that the garbage, media and family empire of tycoon Martin Odlazek will have to be saved at the expense of the taxpayers.

According to Požareport, the garbage, media and family empire of the tycoon Martin Odlazek will have to be saved at the expense of the taxpayers. Namely, according to journalist Bojan Požar, Odlazek helped a lot with the victory of the centre-left in the April parliamentary elections and the subsequent formation of the most left-wing government in the history of independent Slovenia. Namely, Odlazek lent his media outlets to the parties of the transitional left during Janez Janša’s term, and they kept going after Janša’s government without pause, thus also enabling the election of Robert Golob and the two satellite parties of the so-called Constitutional Arch Coaliton (left-wing parties of the former opposition). Of course, the media-garbage tycoon also intends to cash in the favour – with interest. Požar also believes Odlazek is one of the people who will gain the most from Golob’s government being in power.

Saving the garbage part of Odlazek’s empire has supposedly already begun, namely, at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, where last Thursday, the initiative for assessing the constitutionality of Articles 34 to 53 and Article 275 of the Environmental Protection Act, also known as “Vizjak’s environmental law,” was made the 2nd item on the daily agenda. This is an initiative submitted by the company Interseroh from Ljubljana, which deals with the collection and processing of waste materials. Požar explained that the act in question was prepared for the outgoing Minister of the Environment, Andrej Vizjak, by Senko Pličanič from the Institute of Public Administration at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana. This same law has constantly been attacked by Odlazek’s media, ever since it was made public – because of Odlazek’s business interests, of course. The initiative for the review of constitutionality refers to those articles of the law that prevent Odlazek from further arbitrariness when it comes to packaging waste, Požar also explained.

Given the composition of the Constitutional Court judges, we can expect that the Constitutional Court will decide that the law in question is unconstitutional and repeal it – thus enabling Odlazek to continue to do as he pleases with the packaging waste. According to Požar, the mainstream media, especially those owned by Odlazek, will interpret the decision of the Constitutional Court as a victory of the rule of law over the “controversial practices” of the Janša coalition. Požar also added that the company Interseroh filed the motion for a constitutional review in agreement with Odlazek – it is known that Odlazek is connected with the Čeferin family – and allegedly, even Aleksander Čeferin, the President of UEFA, sometimes makes a phone call or two, in order to lobby for Odlazek’s business. “Therefore, it is even more important that the initiative to review the constitutionality of Vizjak’s law was submitted by the company Interseroh, and not, for example, Odlazek’s company Recikel. Thus, they achieved at least two things: they hid ties between the interest groups related to the Čeferin family of lawyers, which is extremely important since Rok Čeferin is the Vice-President of the Constitutional Court, and two, they managed to hide the fact that repealing Vizjak’s environmental law benefits Odlazek, which would damage the public image of the related political actors, including Robert Golob, who has now been elected to the position of Prime Minister,” Požar added.

Sara Kovač

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