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The LMŠ Party Announced: If They Ever Come to Power Again, They Will Abolish All Corona Solidarity Allowances, Recovery Legislative Packages and Compensations

“There will come a time when this government will no longer be in power. If we ever lead the government again, our first task will be to return everything in our country to its original state. We will repeal all Anti-Corona Legislative Packages, including all of the subsequently added articles in them, and make sure that the staff situation at all institutions where illegal and political staffing happened returns to its original state,” Damir Črnčec said, who is otherwise known as Marjan Šarec’s “godfather from the shadows.” And the latter wrote an article for the website of his “straw” party, where he once again slandered Prime Minister Janša and the current government, as well as called for a revolt of all state bodies. Dear fellow citizens, would you once again entrust the task of protecting your health and the lives of your loved ones, as well as all of our jobs and the state economy, to someone who left behind empty warehouses of protective equipment when they left more than a year ago, and whose government practically only dealt with current operations?

Everyone knows about the infamous Damir Črnčec, former director of the Slovenian Intelligence and Security Agency SOVA, who has been dully exercising his intelligence and security competencies as a “godfather from the background” of the LMŠ party. That is also why he is known by the affectionate nickname of “spy Murči,” who worked closely with the failed coalition of Marjan Šarec. He was also known as the godfather from Šarec’s shadow. This time, as a true prophet, he announced that this government would at some point not exist anymore. You don’t say.

At the same time, he also promised that if “they” would ever lead the government again (him and the other godfathers?), their main priority would be to return everything in the country to its original state. They intend to abolish all of the Anti-Corona Legislative Packages, with which the government of Janez Janša tried to help all those in need and save the economy and people’s livelihood. He also announced that all skeletons would be returned to the closet, meaning – he intends to return all of the old personnel “fossils” to their former positions in the state institutions.
Prime Minister Janša has already responded to the writing of both Črnčec and Šarec, warning of the damage that would be caused to all fellow citizens if the LMŠ party were to be re-elected.

“Now you know what awaits you if you vote for the LMŠ party. They will abolish the Anti-Corona Legislative Packages, and you will have to return the tourist vouchers, allowances for temporary leave, part-time work allowances, solidarity allowances for the pensioners, the students, all of the corona allowances… #Constitutional Arch Coalition.” Janša wrote.

Šarec also shared a number of new stage jokes on the website of his party, saying that everything would have been better if he was still in power today. Šarec also congratulated all citizens on the infamous “Resistance Day.” This time in his writing, he initially spoke of the case of the Maribor student, against whom criminal proceedings were initiated and then stopped by the court.

Tasteless: for “Resistance Day,” he sent bilious, anti-government congratulations to the citizens
The high school student in question was part of a student protest, which grossly violated the epidemiological rules. Šarec then used this to support his own side in his fight with the “windmills” (meaning with Janša and the current government), which he has been unsuccessfully fighting for over a year now, but he has still not given up. One cannot help but admit that Šarec really is stubborn. In his letter to the readers, he accuses Janša and the government of “not picking up the documentation that Slovenian Press Agency sent to them,” which he believes is highly irresponsible, while, according to him, the aforementioned students are “responsible people.”

It seems that he only wrote this because the court wrote in its explanation that the student who had been acquitted “attended the protest in order to draw attention to the distress of the students, as a young, intelligent and socially critical and active person who cares about the position of her own generation, thereby merely exercising her fundamental constitutional and human right to freedom of gathering and freedom of expression.” As Šarec further wrote, all of the students responsibly picked up her mail and showed up to court. However, he forgot to mention that their endangering of the health and lives of other people was not at all responsible – or was it?

Saddened by his own failure, he expressed all of the anti-government anger that has been weighing his soul down
He also forgot to mention that the government does pick up its mail, provided it arrives at the correct address. Recently, however, we were able to see that the director of the Slovenian Press Agency, Bojan Veselinovič, has had some trouble with the addresses. Šarec further also patronised the police officers, their actions, and also all Catholics: “I have always respected the institutions, including the Police, and this is still true. However, it is up to the Police to consider how they will act in the future, during protests like this one, as well as any others.”

“Namely, it is not fair that the churchgoers who do not respect the measures and attend holy mass only receive a warning, while a mother or father who eats a croissant OUTDOORS are fined and have to pay 400 euros.” Just like Murči, with a mixture of hatred and joy, Marjan also wrote that this government will someday no longer be in power and that all of the old cadres in positions of power in the state institutions will “rise from the dead.” He also expressed his dissatisfaction with the “mindless spending of public money” and the “ideological bullshitting” (he did not specify what the latter is supposed to mean). With this, we cannot help but wonder why he gave up and why the so-called Constitutional Arch Coalition (Koalicija ustavnega loka – referred to as KUL, which is the Slovenian word for cool), which has not been “cool” (KUL) for a long time now, consists of practically the same parties as his coalition did, except without the DeSUS party.

Comrade Marjan, as a true “rebel,” should learn how to use a rifle: it should not be thrown on the ground but used for shooting
He also commented on the government’s attitude towards the media and non-governmental organisations. “Above all, we will strive for normal communication and respect for all citizens. In short, in one word – normalisation.” In the end, he once again congratulated the citizens on the infamous “Resistance Day.” “Let this be a holiday of courage of all institutions in the country, as well as all citizens.” Hopefully, he will not get sick from all of this worrying, so on “Resistance Day,” we wish him good health. And if he wants to be a real chief of the rebels, he should first learn how to use a rifle: it should not be thrown on the ground but used for shooting.

Domen Mezeg

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