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The Last Public Opinion Poll Before European Elections

The latest public opinion poll conducted by the Parsifal agency shows that most respondents would give their support to Janez Janša’s Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS) in the upcoming elections to the European Parliament, while Golob’s party, the Freedom Movement (Gibanje Svoboda), would get only half as many votes.

The latest Parsifal public opinion poll shows that among those who are certain to vote, most people would support the Slovenian Democratic Party, which would win 20.9 percent of the vote, followed by the Freedom Movement party with 11.2 percent, the New Slovenia party (Nova Slovenija – NSi) with 7.6 percent, and the Social Democrats (Socialni demokrati – SD) with 6 percent of the vote. The other candidate lists with a chance of winning a seat for an MEP are Vesna – the Green Party (Vesna – zelena stranka), which would win 4.5 percent of the vote according to the poll, and the Slovenian People’s Party (Slovenska ljudska stranka – SLS) with 4.1 percent of the vote.

45.6 percent of the respondents will definitely take part in the next elections to the European Parliament, while 14.1 percent of the respondents will definitely not take part.

The latest affair of Golob’s repressive apparatus, when he sent the police after the media outlet Nova24TV, has mobilised the centre-right electorate, which is reflected in the overwhelming support for the largest opposition party, while the votes on the left are divided between the Freedom Movement, the Social Democrats, and Vesna. The other parties on the left have no visible prospects of being elected to the European Parliament.

Among the voters who already know who they would vote for, the SDS party would get 32.8 percent of the vote, the Freedom Movement 17.5 percent, the NSi party 12 percent, the SD party 9.5 percent, Vesna 7.1 percent, and the SLS party 6.4 percent of the vote.

Among those who would definitely take part in the elections, the SLS party would overtake Vesna

Among those who are certain to vote and who already know who they would vote for, the SDS party would be the most likely winner with 35.5 percent of the vote, followed by the Freedom Movement party with 16.5 percent, then the NSi party with 13.4 percent, the SD party with 9.5 percent, and then the SLS party – which would overtake Vesna – with 6.6 percent, and Vesna in last place with 5.7 percent.

The survey covered 1016 respondents, 50.7 percent of whom were women. The average age of the respondents is 53.6 years, the standard deviation is 16.2. The oldest age group has the highest number of respondents (47.4 percent), the middle age group is slightly less represented (35.9 percent), and the youngest age group has the lowest number of respondents (16.7 percent). Most respondents come from the Central Slovenia region (24.7 percent), followed by the Podravje region (16.0 percent) and the Savinjska region (12.7 percent).

T. B.

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