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Slovenian News In ENGLISH

Slovenia Among the Best Countries in Terms of Employment Rates: Unemployment Is Even Lower Than in 2019 When There Was no Health and Economic Crisis!

At the end of July 2021, the number of unemployed people in Slovenia was 21 percent lower than a year ago and even 1.7 percent lower than in July 2019, when there was no health and economic crisis.

New Eurostat data on unemployment among the EU countries has been made public. With a 4 percent unemployment rate in July, Slovenia is ranked among the countries with the lowest unemployment rates, and data show that unemployment has been steadily falling for some time now. By comparison, the EU average of unemployment is at 7 percent.

As Prime Minister Janez Janša announced at the Bled Strategic Forum on Wednesday, we have become better than we were during the times of economic prosperity. Namely, unemployment is 1.7 percent lower than it was in July 2019, when the government was being led by the coalition of Marjan Šarec, and Slovenia was in a period of “fat cows.” We would rather not think about what the situation might be like if the same coalition remained in power until now.

Sara Kovač

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