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Shocking Images of Raging of the Supporters of Terrorism in the Middle of Ljubljana

This time, supporters of the terrorist organisation Hamas were also part of the protest, as the regular Friday protesters were also joined by the Palestinians. They opposed the government’s support for Israel, which is an extreme act that will resonate for a long time to come.

Just how destructive the policy of open borders for immigrants really is, has been proven by the latest protests, organised by the left-wing anti-government protesters, who were also joined by the Palestinian migrants.

They trampled the Israeli flag on the Republic Square and made anti-democratic demands, then joined the left-wing fighters for privileges and threatened with an “all-Slovenian” uprising. The uprising has been announced for the 28th of May.

The Palestinian uprising upset the public
The Palestinian protest in Ljubljana upset a good part of Slovenian society. As can be seen from posts on social networks, many well-known intellectuals are outraged by what is happening. If the protesters usually violate the health measures, thus threatening the health of the whole society during the pandemic, this time, the supporters of the terrorist organisation Hamas added even more fuel to the fire. And the mainstream media followed all of this completely uncritically and even cheerfully. All of this just to reach their vile goal of overthrowing the government.
And what will surely cause quite a stir in the international public is the Slovenian Press Agency’s choice of the photograph to accompany the news item on the ceasefire deal between Israel and Palestine – they chose a photo which shows the Israeli flag being trampled. This is a first-rate scandal and a great shame for professional journalism.

During Friday’s rally on the Republic Square in Ljubljana, a mass violation of public law and order happened, where police officers had to use physical force. Two people were taken into custody on suspicion of a criminal offence of preventing an official act, and the competent prosecutor’s office will be informed of all findings, the Ljubljana Police Department announced.

Among others, Director of the Government Communication Office Uroš Urbanija also commented on the protests on Twitter, writing: “It is simply unimaginable that in the middle of Ljubljana, supporters of the terrorist organisation Hamas are threatening the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the state of Israel. #StopTerrorism”

Prime Minister Janez Janša also responded to the situation, writing: “Can you imagine a group of Slovenians with Slovenian flags dancing in Ramallah or Tehran and shouting about the Iranian government? How many would survive? I think it will be quite difficult for these people to teach us about democracy and tolerance. They should just return home and take Jenull with them as an escort. They have the same manners.”

Sara Kovač

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