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Mesec and Janković Are Hosting the People Who Want to Dismantle Parliamentary Democracy and Nationalise Your Apartments!

The leftists are currently hosting the European version of the Levica party (the Left) in Slovenia, which, along with the actual Levica party, is making plans on how to defeat the current Prime Minister and the ‘far-right.’ “The crisis that Slovenia has found itself in with the Janša government must also be understood in the European context,” says the coordinator of the Levica party, Luka Mesec. He said that their goal is not only to defeat Janez Janša in the upcoming elections in Slovenia; their common goal is to find a left-wing, progressive solution to the challenge that the far-right presents in Europe today, and also to find a way to create a society that will put people and the planet before profit. They did not mention the fact that parts of their programme are unconstitutional and even violate the principles of the legal order in the Republic of Slovenia. Are we about to experience “progressive” nationalisation?

The Left in the European Parliament and the Slovenian party Levica (the Left) have organised “study days” in Ljubljana this week, at which they are discussing the current situation in the European Union and planning for the alternatives that “the people and the planet demand.” The research on how the left in Slovenia is opposing the virulent corporate authoritarianism of the far-right government, which currently holds the Presidency of the European Council, is also on the agenda, according to their website. The left-wing forces and their allies from the civil society will also discuss how to restore a dignified and solidary Europe, with a special focus on tackling neoliberalism and exposing the violent consequences of the European Union’s inhumane migration policy. Among other activities, they are also planning to visit the barbed wire on the Slovenian-Croatian border. “It is time to get things right. For people and for the planet,” said Manon Aubry, Member of the European Parliament.

“We are planning for changes that Europe needs. The ambitions and visions for the European Union that could help it emerge more justly from this crisis,” said left-wing MEP Martin Schirdewan, adding that with the help of allies from the Levica party, they will explore how people in Slovenia and across Europe are opposing the dangerous far-right government of Janez Janša, in order to implement the solidarity programme. We can, of course, easily imagine what the Levica party believes solidarity to be.

Their programme has many unconstitutional elements
If we take a quick look at their programme, we can quickly see that with it, they are actually violating the principles of the legal order of the Republic of Slovenia while also interfering with the basic democratic principles with the way they operate. The abolition of capitalism and the introduction of management that will “ensure the well-being of all citizens” – the eco-socialist economy should be based on three pillars: workers’ governance, social and community property, and democratic planning. We can, therefore, also include the abolition of concessions in healthcare, the establishment of a basic universal income, the strengthening of public education, and thus the weakening of private education, potentially even the abolition of the military, and certainly the withdrawal from NATO. And of course, we must not forget about nationalisation either.

“This week in Ljubljana, Luka Mesec and Zoran Janković are hosting the people who want to change the system. They want to dismantle the parliamentary democracy, nationalise housing, and practically chase the entrepreneurs into the sea with bayonets. These are just some of the unconstitutional elements of the programme of the Levica party, the political wing of the terrorist Antifa,” Prime Minister Janez Janša commented on the event that took place in the cultural and congress centre Cankarjev dom.

Sara Bertoncelj

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