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An Interview With Dr. Zupančič Which You Must Watch: About Continuity, the Villa That Was Stolen by the SD Party, and Bavcon, Who Is Still Walking Around Unpunished

On the show Odkrito, Igor Pirkovič hosted dr. Boštjan M. Zupančič, a former judge of the European Court of Human Rights, a judge of the Constitutional Court, and professor. “Older people who are already retired and practically have nothing left to lose are the ones who dare to tell the truth,” Zupančič said, who also mentioned that he himself could not afford to tell the truth he is telling today when he was younger. Zupančič was working in Strassbourg for eighteen years, but when he returned to Slovenia, he did not notice any significant changes. As far as independence is concerned, not all stories have been told yet. Whose were the global forces and in whose interest it was for Yugoslavia to disintegrate – these are questions that have still not been answered, in addition to the question of what happened after the year 1991 – all of this ties into a story of continuity.

Host of the show Odkrito Igor Pirkovič asked dr. Boštjan M. Zupančič for his opinion on the active participation of the foreign media in assessing the state of human rights and freedoms in Slovenia. “It seems to me that I gave them this idea,” Zupančič joked, explaining that he once spoke about the language barrier, saying that no other country can really know what is happening in Slovenia, as long as things are always written in Slovenian. “Therefore, things need to be internationalised – which is what certain actors on the left took seriously and also did. In doing so, they encountered an alliance of a cohort of media outlets and journalists, who already know which side they are on – and this is because, just like a few of the judges of the European Court of Human Rights, they were – or still are – on Soros’s payroll,” Zupančič said. Le Monde, Der Spiegel, The Economist – these are the media owned by the powerful Kabballah, which behaves the same in London, Paris or Berlin, and gives instructions on what can or cannot be published and what the narrative should be. So, there is no point in talking about freedom of speech or freedom of the press, really, unless we are talking about Twitter. “Behind all of this are instructions, money, and blackmail,” the former judge warned, adding that everything is set up in advance, so he himself does not even read the political news in Le Figaro – even though it is considered to be one of the more independent media outlets out there.

“But where is the interest in such engaged writing about the situation in Slovenia coming from?” Pirkovič wondered, to which he received a short and concise answer: “In Budapest!” The reason for Slovenia being put on the spot is that it is now being used as an example of how things should not go down in the same way they happened in Hungary. And we all know who the person is, who is the most upset about what is going on in Hungary. This case cannot be repeated, and, in this matter, Slovenia is much easier to defeat than Hungary. The answer is thus, to a great extent, George Soros.
Regarding Soros’s influence, the former judge also touched on the European Court of Human Rights. “The credibility of the European Court has dropped by 60 percent,” Zupančič warned, citing the fact currently, twelve of the twenty judges of the court have been linked to George Soros. Which is completely unacceptable, given that judges should not be politically contaminated. But the list of MEPs who are directly funded by Soros – Slovenian MEP Tanja Fajon being one of them – these lists are public. If we think about the Open Society or the Slovenian Peace Institute (Mirovni inštitut) or other similar institutes, these are all capillary infiltrated organisations, which then play the role of the fifth column in Slovenia. Even under the guise of, for example, a non-governmental organisation.

The V4 group is a speck in the eye of the global forces
Zupančič also pointed out that the Slovenian Press Agency (Slovenska tiskovna agencija – STA) should not be privately financed because that would mean it would be financed by Soros. And we know who owns Reuters, Associated Press, AFP – all of these are privately financed. Even in the USA, it is nonsense to talk about press freedom if one knows who really owns the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, the Chicago Tribune, and many other media outlets. Viktor Orban or Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia – in short, the V4 group is a speck in the eye of these forces. Orban is something terrible that happened to them. “And I repeat, they want to make Slovenia an example, for the so-called general prevention, so that this does not happen elsewhere,” Zupančič once again warned, adding that in the USA, Kabballah follows the same pattern of operating.
It should also be borne in mind that the EU was not a European idea. Robert Schuman, Paul-Henri Spaak and others – this was discovered years ago by the journalist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, who wrote about it in the Daily Telegraph – they were funded by the CUA and the US State Department, there is proof of this in the archives. The European Union has always been some kind of Euro-Atlantic organisation under American influence. And anyone who might want to control Europe would have a much easier time doing it from Brussels, as they would not have to deal with each country individually but have them all “piled up” there. “The EU works by inertia and works largely because these Eurocrats have very high salaries,” one of his private sources from Brussels told Zupančič.

The media space in our country is by no means balanced; Vesel should not have stayed in his position of President of the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia
Thirty years ago, dr. Peter Jamberk was the first to talk about diversification – the disintegration of the Slovenian media space. And not much has changed since then. On the right, we have some not very influential media outlets, and on the left, there are Delo, Dnevnik, RTV, POP TV, and so on – which, of course, means that there is no balance. “But what should be happening on all sides is honesty, truth,” Zupančič emphasised. He also admitted that he had stopped watching the national public broadcasting organisation’s TV programme, the RTV, this summer when he noticed how day after day, they were going after the former Minister of Agriculture Aleksandra Pivec – the campaign against her was tasteless. “Not only is it tendentious, but it is also an insult to the intelligence of the entire audience,” he commented on the reporting of the national television. It was painfully obvious that they only want to overthrow Pivec down simply because they want to also overthrow the current government.
Pirkovič then also touched on the afternoon activities of the President of the Court of Audit, Tomaž Vesel. Zupančič mentioned that he was, at one point, Vesel’s professor, but at the same time, he emphasised that Vesel should not get to keep his position for even a second longer. In a serious country, something like this could have never happened. “Even if he worked in Lesnina (a furniture store) and got ten thousand euros a year for that, it would be unacceptable,” he commented on the fact that Vesel receives another quarter of a million euros a year at Fifa, while also being the President of the Court of Audit in Slovenia.
Rok Čeferin and Aleksander Čeferin were also Zupančič’s students back in the day – their former professor has his opinion on both, but he does not want to express it publicly.

The SD party will have to leave the villa sooner or later
“Someone was ingeniously resourceful here and dug up the fact from the archives that Moskovič’s Villa was sold, in quotation marks, to a certain Mrs. Kos, who then let the SD party use the villa. I do not want to get into the fact that this is a scandal – because 90 percent of the real estate in Slovenia is stolen, but I am talking about the SD party thinking that it will be able to just stay in this villa. Here, however, its opponent is not just the power of Janez Janša; in this case, its opponent is the Kaballah, which I have already mentioned before. And therefore, they have no hope of victory here – they will have to leave this villa sooner or later and also pay rent for all the years they were using it.”

What would Slovenia be like if the lustration was carried out?
Zupančič said that he himself has thought about this question a lot. A significant problem was that every fifth person in Slovenia was a member of UDBA. East Germany had a similar problem – but it was quickly resolved when it joined West Germany. They carried out the “berufsverbot,” lustrated many judges, professors, and others, who were “contaminated” with the Stasi participation and other similar things. “The only problem in Slovenia is continuity,” Zupančič emphasised emphatically – which is a rather broad term. But in practice, this means that for everyone from the RTV to the Court of Audit, the Constitutional Court, the entire judicial administration, as well as the public administration and so on, continuity is a problem. The continuity of a mentality that has been in power for a certain number of years and has taken root. How is it possible that these next generations are as corrupt as they are – since they did not grow out of some communist greenhouse, Zupančič once naively wondered. But the iron law of sociology is that structure renews itself with the same structure. And here we are. So – what the family talks about at dinner is then passed on to the next generation. This continuity is like a storm in a small Slovenian glass of water. There are other global forces galloping forward, and globally, this Slovenian continuity is a minor problem, and so it is difficult to predict what the future will be like.

“The fact that Ljubo Bavcon is still walking around is a farce of the rule of law and proof that our criminal justice system does not work.”
“I was mostly left-leaning for most of my life, up until the last stage of working in Strasbourg. Then the respected Ernest Petrič once diplomatically reminded me that there are 750 mass graves in Slovenia. I was born in 1947, but we never talked about this at home. When I was the rector, a lady told me something about it, but I did not believe her. They did not know anything about it in Strassbourg either. When I became interested in this question, however, I was appalled. Now, things are coming to light – both in Slovenia and in Croatia. The massacres – this is terrible. And the fact that a man like Ljubo Bavcon is still walking around freely, that there have been no criminal proceedings initiated against him – not to mention Mitja ribičič, who is gone now – that is impunity, and I learned more about this at the United Nations, at the Committee Against Torture – it is simply inconceivable. Bavcon was selecting people in Šentvid, who were then led to their death, and this same Bavcon now lives somewhere in Trnovo, and no criminal proceedings against him have been initiated – this is living proof that our criminal justice system does not work. It is a farce of the rule of law!”

Sara Bertoncelj

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