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Where Is The Obama Scholar? On Her Way To The “Mecca” Of Lobbying NGOs

Following the arrival of the Donald Trump administration and the revelations that USAID under Joe Biden was one of the biggest ATMs for funding leftist indoctrination at the global level, there has been a decrease in foreign funding for non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the Member States of the European Union. As a result, Brussels is becoming a central haven for NGOs seeking new sources of funding and opportunities to influence European policies. And thus, the 8th of March Institute (Inštitut 8. marec) has also recently announced that it is moving part of its team to Brussels.

The 8th of March Institute, headed by Nika Kovač (the founder of the Institute is the Left party (Levica) Minister Simon Maljevac), has announced its intention to temporarily relocate part of its team to Brussels, a move aimed at making it easier for it to monitor and influence European policies, in particular with regard to the Safe and Accessible Abortion in Europe initiative. In a statement, they said: “It is they (the MEPs) who will decide whether it is adopted or rejected. We do not know much about them, with very few exceptions.”

The Institute is already working with the European Commission on the initiative for abortion in Europe, which is being “promoted” on the Commission’s website. The Commission formally registered the initiative on the 10th of April 2024, and it is expected to be decided on by both MEPs and Commissioners.

In light of this, let’s think back to the recent scandals related to US funding. The public has learned that US taxpayers’ dollars have been spent mostly on ideological projects such as green politics and LGBT organisations, as well as media projects with left-wing content. However, after the arrival of Trump, changes are on the horizon and, as a result, Brussels seems to be becoming a haven for NGOs seeking new sources of funding and opportunities to influence European policies.

The biggest lobbying centres are also centres of political power, including Washington, where the US Congress is located, and Brussels, where the European Union is headquartered. Some 25,000 lobbyists are already active in Brussels, with a combined budget of more than 3 billion euros. These lobbyists represent a variety of interests, including NGOs seeking to influence the decisions of European institutions.

Lobbying for rights that already exist

So, apparently, the 8th of March Institute also wants to influence MEPs to vote in favour of an initiative that is pointless, because the rights they are fighting for are already guaranteed. “Once we have collected enough signatures for safe and accessible abortion in Europe, the proposal must be voted on by MEPs. They are the ones who will decide whether it is adopted or rejected. We do not know much about them, with very few exceptions. It is quite difficult to follow what is happening in Brussels from our own country. We want to do everything we can to ensure that the proposal for safe and accessible abortion in Europe is adopted,” they wrote.

NGOs under the patronage of Brussels

Brussels is also home to a large number of NGOs, which the EU works with through EU funding programmes and policy initiatives, including PICUM – the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, Promoting Gender Equality, the European Women’s Lobby, ENAR – the European Network Against Racism, ILGA Europe – the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, the European Roma Information Office, and others. A list of all NGOs can be found here:

Brussels – the new NGO haven

The European Commission is working to increase the involvement of more European NGO networks, according to their website, so after the “closed tap” from the US, this is an ideal opportunity for the 8th of March Institute. In any case, they know how to look after their finances very well. In fact, in 2023, they had an income of almost 400,000 euros, even though they did not have a single employee and did not spend a single cent on salaries and similar expenses. Even more interesting are the revenues of the 8th of March Institute in 2022, when 460,152 euros were deposited in the Institute’s account.

Brussels is thus becoming a key focal point for NGOs and lobby groups seeking to influence policy-making at the level of the European Union, especially in light of the changes in US funding.

Sara Kovač

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