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Experts: Slovenian Foreign Policy Is Completely Confused

“For Slovenia to side with someone who is launching missiles into populated areas, which in my opinion is an act of terrorism, is a disaster! No politician should allow this; it is unacceptable!” said Miha Pogačnik, an international lawyer. “Slovenia’s foreign policy has been “completely confused” since Robert Golob has come to power. On the one hand, we see officials appearing as part of NATO and the European Union, while concrete actions (definitions, media emphasis, etc.) are in favour of Russia and its allies, including Iran and Hezbollah, terrorist criminals,” warned the Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS) MP Branko Grims.

The recent action by the Left (Levica) party’s Matej Tašner Vatovec has once again confirmed fears that the ruling political establishment is moving away from Western values and towards countries such as Iran, Russia and China, which support the Palestinian terrorist regime and the criminal movement Hamas. A few days ago, there was a large-scale Palestinian rocket attack on Israeli civilian and military targets. Terrorists invaded Israeli territory, killing some civilians and soldiers and kidnapping many people and taking them back to Gaza as spoils of war. In light of the massacres of Israeli civilians, Tašner Vatovec added a Palestinian flag to his name on his X social media profile in support of Palestine.

Foreign Minister Fajon personally condemned terrorism only after receiving a question from the press

The coverage of the bloody events by the national media outlet Radio-Television Slovenia (RTVS) is also clearly in the spirit of the Left. Among the journalists of the national media, there are even open supporters of Hamas, such as Boris Vasev. The matter is extremely controversial given that Hamas is recognised as a terrorist organisation by Israel, the European Union, the UK, the USA, and others. This kind of uncritical sympathy for the Palestinian terrorist regime has also been observed in the past among the Social Democrats (Socialni demokrati – SD), even on the side of the current Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Tanja Fajon.

She could not hide her enthusiasm, for example, when she met the Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations and advocated a ‘two-state solution’. “Any further violence in the region must be prevented,” she added. She has long hesitated to express any sincere personal criticism of Palestine (she initially condemned the attack on Israel only as part of the ministry), but these days, she is mostly focusing on other issues, in particular travels in Africa and feminist foreign policy.

The Minister is less proactive when it comes to Israel’s interests

After we sent the Minister a press question, she tried to quickly remedy the debacle by writing: “We are united with our EU colleagues in condemning the reprehensible attack on Israel. We are in constant contact, gathering and verifying information. The protection of civilians is now a key priority, as is the release of hostages. With partners in the region, we are working to prevent further outbreaks and to safeguard stability. Our solidarity with Israel is unwavering. Israel has the right to defend itself in accordance with international law. Together with our partners, we are working for a cessation of all hostilities and negotiations.” She did, however, react quickly and furiously when Janez Janša, during his visit to Israel a few years ago, did not also meet with representatives of the Palestinian authorities.

Is this tacit support for Putin’s appetites?!

The Vice-President of the Slovenian Democratic Youth (Slovenska demokratska mladina – SDM), the youth wing of the SDS party, Nejc Brence, pointed out that it is controversial to support Palestine (whose international recognition is supported by all the government parties): “In Slovenia, the coalition parties support the recognition of a new Arab state in the Middle East, which, in its last elections in the distant year of 2006, elected an internationally-recognised terrorist organisation to run the country.” At the same time, the question arises as to whether the more or less open support/allowances for the Palestinian regime is, in fact, support for Russian interests. We have heard some comments suggesting that the Kremlin is seeking to divert attention from Ukraine through the escalation of the situation in the Middle East and, as a result, to weaken Western aid.

“For Slovenia to side with someone who is launching missiles into populated areas is a disaster!”

We spoke to international lawyer Miha Pogačnik about what such support for the Palestinian terrorist regime means for Slovenia’s foreign policy reputation: “Certain Palestinian organisations have been identified as terrorist organisations. The fact that rockets are being fired at settlements in Israel on a daily basis is unacceptable –in fact, it is terrorism.” Israel may have an Iron Dome (anti-missile air defence system), but life in such a country is difficult. Pogačnik believes that Israel has a right to exist and that it is a country that is likely to react accordingly to the attacks. “But for Slovenia to side with someone who is launching missiles into populated areas, which in my opinion is an act of terrorism, is a disaster! No politician should allow this; it is unacceptable!” He believes that the people who are launching missiles at civilian populations are “bastards”.

“Hamas is a terrorist organisation that is completely in the hands of Iran!”

More important than this, however, will be (in the coming weeks and months) the possible synergy of the Arab world, when “in some way” there could be a “misuse of what is happening now.” Even more dangerously, there could be a unification of the Arab world “in something”, as this would bring huge problems to the Middle East. This possible consequence is more worrying. SDS MP Branko Grims also presented his views on the situation: “First of all, we must express our condolences to all those affected and to the State of Israel as a whole, and our full solidarity. Secondly, Hamas is a terrorist organisation that is fully in the hands of Iran or is a satellite of the said country.”

“A very serious warning to the government: Slovenia’s borders must close!”

“The whole situation must be viewed in this light.” As a result, Hamas has very powerful, modern weapons and was able to carry out the recent attacks. Iranian help is obvious, and without it, the Palestinian attack would not have happened. MP Grims believes that the attack has come at this moment because there is an alliance behind it – an attempt to divert attention from Ukraine and to take the pressure off Russia. The attack was used as a “tool in global politics.” The way it was carried out was “so criminal that it leaves you speechless.” The terrorism used by Hamas against the State of Israel and against civilians was “extremely brutal”, without a shred of reason or humanity.

A warning to the supporters of the multicultural world: the terrorists tortured and murdered their left-wing supporters without mercy!

Most were killed at the festival for peace (left-wing), which was actually in support of Palestine. The fact that the jihadist terrorists of Hamas also horrifically tortured and mercilessly murdered many of their supporters who had gathered at the peace concert should, according to MP Grims, be “a serious wake-up call” for all the defenders of the multicultural ideology in Europe and, in general, everywhere in the Western world! Hamas has deliberately provoked a new war, even though it knows full well that it cannot win. MP Grims believes that the terrorists will soon be (or already are) on the run towards Europe. “All those who did this will come to Europe, if they are not already here! And this is an extremely serious warning to the Slovenian government that, if ever, it is now absolutely necessary to close Slovenia’s borders to illegal migration and to tighten controls on all those entering and leaving the country, and on all foreigners from third countries who are already on Slovenian territory.”

Since Golob has been in power, foreign policy is completely confused!

MP Grims also believes that we need to introduce full security controls and to review procedures if they have not been carried out correctly and, if necessary, send the people who have come here so far back to their countries of origin. Otherwise, something similar to the Middle East could happen in Slovenia. “This is a serious risk! Today, a video was published from Subotica in Serbia, showing a group of illegal migrants armed with automatic weapons on the Balkan route. This is real!” Slovenia’s foreign policy has been “completely confused” since Robert Golob took power.

On the one hand, we see Slovenian officials appearing in the context of NATO and the European Union… But concrete actions (expressing support, media emphasis, etc.) are in favour of Russia and its allies, including Iran and Hezbollah (terrorist criminals). MP Grims believes that anyone who has common sense and even a modicum of humanity in the face of this tragedy is sure to stand in solidarity with Israel and condemn terrorism. “This is not a military attack of any kind. The entire management of RTV Slovenia should resign immediately because of these words!” It is not about any “Palestinian militants”, but about “terrorists of the worst kind” who have killed even pro-Palestinian civilians, etc. “These are not even human beings! This is Islamic terrorism of the most criminal kind, similar to what we have unfortunately seen in Europe in the Bataclan, which people do not know much about.”

“This goes against Slovenians and against Slovenia!”

Not only were 130 people killed there, but they were horribly tortured before they died. Women were cut alive, had their eyes gouged out, were raped, and suffered other horrific fates. Those who have read the reports agree that this goes beyond the worst horror movie scenario. And one of the organisers of the massacre was proven to have travelled via Slovenia. There are even indications that there were more. That is why a confused foreign policy and a failure to take serious security measures is something that is deliberate, not accidental. “This goes against Slovenians and against the Slovenian state! And such a government should be dismissed immediately!” With what the government is already doing in the case of compulsory (insidious) relocation (which is illegal and unconstitutional) and the abandonment of basic security checks/actions, which are a legal obligation, it deserves at least an interpellation, if not a constitutional impeachment. Grims also added that we need to “Be aware that the terrorists who have done all this, and their supporters, will soon be on their way to Europe, if they are not already here. They have proved what heinous terrorist crimes they are capable of. That is why the closure of the borders, surveillance, audit, and remigration – sending them back – is absolutely essential!”

Domen Mezeg

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