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This Is Unbelievable: The Bully Zlatko Who, Among Other Things, Attacked the Nova24TV Team, Agitates For Golob’s Laws

“This is not a joke, the matter is serious – just like our fight for water,” said rapper Zlatan Čordić, this time as the face of the Institute of the 8th of March (Inštitut 8. marec), which is promoting the Sunday referendums – in the same misleading manner that they used before the “water” referendum. Zlatko promised to explain everything to those who have further questions – so as not to “slip into even bigger misconceptions.” To actually avoid this, we recommend that everyone checks information from different sources and decides on how to vote at the referendum based on their own research. And Zlatko should instead concentrate on his music career.

“The man who physically attacked journalistic teams, the man who harassed the Director of the National Institute of Public Health, becomes the face of the Institute of the 8th of March’s movement. So, it seems that everything they are saying is the opposite of what they are advocating. When they defend women, they stay quiet when it comes to Janković. They hire Zlatko to defend journalists,” Uroš Urbanija, Director of Television Slovenia, pointed out the contradictory behaviour of the Institute of the 8th of March, which everyone has probably noticed by now. The Institute only speaks up when it is in its interest to do so, and if they do not see any benefit in the subsequent publicity, they wisely remain silent. As the saying goes – birds of a feather flock together.

Zlatan Čordić, in cooperation with the Institute of the 8th of March, is advocating for the amendment to the Radio-Television Slovenia Act – apparently, he would like to be given free advertising for his declamations every week, which is also what he was used to in the past. But luckily, people have not yet forgotten his past actions: he got into a fight with the accordion player at Prešeren Square, spat at the commander of the Slovenian Armed Forces guard, attacked a cameraman from Nova24TV and knocked the camera from his hands, harassed the former Director of the National Institute of Public Health, Dr Milan Krek, intimidated an employee of the Ministry of Culture, stormed a state celebration with the help of a Radio-Television Slovenia television crew, and tried to interrupt a speech by then-President of the Republic Borut Pahor and, last but not least, called for people to stop wearing masks in the midst of an epidemic. He even did it on public television, where he appeared with his protective mask deliberately torn off.

“An individual who attacks, insults, scares, ridicules other individuals on the street is not part of the civil society, because by definition he is uncivilised, and it is a big mistake to take such things as your own and tweet them. This is a shame. You have to stand behind your actions and also accept the consequences that may follow,” one outraged Twitter user tweeted in response to the Institute of the 8th of March. When Zlatko comes out with his agitprop, one practically needs no other reason to vote AGAINST – three times, on Sunday.

Sara Kovač

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