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Can You Believe This?! The Left-Wing Opposition and the Trade Unions Created Chaos in Education, and Now They Are the Ones Pointing it Out!

“There is precisely as much chaos as you managed to create with the Constitutional Arch Coalition, the SD party, and your Education, Science and Culture Trade Union satellite,” Prime Minister Janez Janša responded to a message by the Social Democrats about the LMŠ, SD, SAB, and Levica parties convening an extraordinary meeting of the Committee on Education, Science, Sports and Youth,  due to the “chaotic situation” before the start of the school year.

During the second wave of the epidemic, the Social Democrats advocated for a school without masks, and it was also them who recently advocated for a school without masks for the second time, with a post from their prominent representative, who is even a doctor, Brigita Skela Savič. The Education, Science and Culture Trade Union, led by Branimir Štrukelj, has also been opposed to mandatory wearing of masks, testing and vaccination of school employees throughout the time of the validity of the strict measures.

And on Monday, the left-wing opposition parties (SD, SAB, Levica, and LMŠ) announced that they are planning to convene an extraordinary session of the Committee on Education, Science, Sports and Youth, due to the “chaotic situation” before the start of the school year. It should be pointed out that these are the same parties that were creating chaos throughout the epidemic and did everything in their power to prevent the education sector from being able to prepare for the new school year.

Prime Minister Janez Janša also responded to their claims regarding chaos, writing that there is precisely as much chaos as the Constitutional Arch Coalition, the SD party, and the Education, Science and Culture Trade Union satellite managed to create. “If you were to become at least a little bit more constructive, the whole situation could be so much better,” Janša said. Constructiveness is not a virtue of the Slovenian opposition, as it made sure to oppose the government and try to prevent it from working even in the most difficult times – which is what it is still doing to this day. Other countries are fortunate enough to not have to face such destructive opposition and trade unions, so they were able to prepare for the new school year in peace, working together. Minister of Education Simona Kustec also announced last week that the agreements are in the final phase of preparation, which means that the opposition’s claims about chaos are not even remotely true.

Sara Kovač

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