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Editor of Demokracija, Jože Biščak, Filed a Complaint With the police: “These Are Not the Usual Threats We Are Used to, These Are Obviously Threats From a Psychopath.”

Editor-in-chief of the Demokracija magazine and the director of the company Nova obzorja (New Horizons) filed a complaint at the Bežigrad Police station on Saturday due to the death threats that the editorial board of the magazine received on Friday. “These are not the usual threats we are used to; these are obviously threats from a psychopath,” Biščak said.

Yesterday, the editorial board of the Demokracija magazine received two letters. Thre letters contained threats directed against the members of the editorial board and their family members. “We will slaughter your family, you pig. We are the faithful successors of the Communists of Slovenia. Motherfucker,” read one of the letters, and the other read: “… And we will slaughter, shoot.”

“These are not the usual threats we are used to; these are obviously threats from a psychopath,” Jože Biščak said, who filed a complaint at the Bežigrad Police Station of Saturday. The editorial board will now take additional security measures and strengthen their security.

“The left is becoming more and more radicalised. Violence and physical retribution are becoming less and less foreign to them; in fact, they are becoming a more legitimate means of removing those who think differently. The editorial board of the Demokracija magazine also belongs in this category. Not just because of the articles we write, but mainly because of our (conservative) worldview. Therefore, caution is not superfluous. This is not about paranoia, but about very concrete threats,” the editor of Demokracija said.

Apparently, the same psychopath – at least judging by the style of writing and “gluing” of the photos – also sent a threat to the wife of the Prime Minister, Urška Bačovnik Janša. The letter that was sent to the editorial board came from Miklavž at Dravsko polje, which is not far from one of the places of the bloody post-war massacres (Šterntal), where the so-called Puklasti Miha (Slouching Miha) slaughtered people in 1945.

“The position of the editorial board on the freedom of speech, which we consider to be a legitimate human freedom in the literal and absolute sense, is already known to everyone. However, another one of the human freedoms is also a right to life and the inviolability of the human body. And this human freedom is now being threatened – our very lives are being threatened. This is not just the usual slander, spitting, or insulting, which all fall under freedom of speech – this is an actual threat to human life,” Biščak said, adding:

“I never thought that there would come a time when we would have to fiercely defend the claim that the grass is green.”


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